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Re: how to drop an absconding case

Hi ma217, I just want to ask if you already sorted out your problem?because we have the same case at the moment, or if somebody knows what to do please help us, thanks..
by lovely01
Dec 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: Absconding Rules?

Yes, i'm afraid so, as long as you are still not under the visa of other company they are still liable whatever happens to you that's why the companies are filing absconding case against you as they will not be liable whatever happens to you in dubai, even you're already cancelled they can file absc...
by lovely01
Dec 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Absconding rules?
Replies: 1
Views: 4196

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

How did you know that your passport is in immigration?Did you submit anything to immigration?or you just presented yourself to them just giving your name?
by lovely01
Dec 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

How can they possibly abscond us if we didn't run away from dubai, I also dont get it, if you dont mind I want us to communicate more, maybe we can help each other because we are both facing the same problem..please give suggestion how can we talk more, I'm a filipino..what's your nationality?
by lovely01
Dec 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

Same here, I'm working on something right now, once it works I will also let you know..thank you and goodluck to you too..
by lovely01
Dec 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

What steps n ginawa mo?your passport is also in aweer immigration?ano n plan mo gwin?
by lovely01
Dec 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: Absconding Inquiry

I also have an absconding case right now, filed by my x-employer, now they are telling me to go to immigration to settle it, because it is now between me and the govt as they said, i there a possibility that I can settle this? in the first place, I cancelled my visa and my labor contract with them o...
by lovely01
Dec 27, 2013
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: absconding inquiry
Replies: 23
Views: 23206

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

Does anyone already know what to do if you have an absconding case?And your passport was deposited in the immigration..
by lovely01
Jan 22, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

is there a chance that my absconding case will be lifted by my x-employer who filed it?when I went to immigration, an immigration officer checked in the system my name when i given my passport copy to them, he said i dont have any problem with immigration, in their system it's showing only my ban fr...
by lovely01
Jan 23, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402


Uaehelp ,is this organization still active.. cause I really need your help very badly..
by lovely01
Apr 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Replies: 11
Views: 20963

Re: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.

daffodilgtuae , how can i give you my absconding details? Need your help very urgent...
by lovely01
Apr 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.
Replies: 181
Views: 112592

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

I found already the solution to my problem..pera pera lang...wag nio ptagalin kc the more n pttgalin nio palaki ng palaki mgging overstaying fine nio...
by lovely01
Jun 02, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

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