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Why do you guys like Dubai?

Just moved from NYC and wanted to know for those of you living in Dubai, how long have you been living here and why do you like Dubai? To me this place is not fast paced enough(joking) lacking a cohesive culture and not really much to do here( no libraries driving sucks here(we dont do circles in NY...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 24, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

Thanks for the reply guys.. where are you guys from if you dont mind me asking? Thanks Jonkers, you were spot on about alot of things in your post namely gettng over the culture shock and the weather. NYC weather was more suitable for me in terms of keeping me out and about plus the metropolitan nat...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why do you guys like Dubai?

lonelyndubai , I am a Canadian of Pakistani origin! BTW, I dont live or work in Dubai anymore. By the end of my 8 years there, I was getting comfortably numb, and knew I had to get out or fade away in my cocoon. From your interests in baking, and other things you mentioned in your post, am I right ...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: In Need Of Advice

Emirati girl, so many people have given their suggestions and they are all excellent but I thnk the best thing is to ask suggestion or advice from someone who knows you as was mentioned. I am sorry about your situation, may AllahSWT help you and moreover, help overcome your dissillusionment over you...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: In need of advice
Replies: 65
Views: 13908

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

bossman, what chemicals are you talking about it and which processed foods, care to elaborate? perhaps they can be avoidable and why are you so bitter about living here, where are you from and why cant you go back there if this place is so horrible?
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

yikes, no wonder the first time i came here i actually did get some food poisoning which I was shocked about. Cali, huh? lucky for you, they have a very natural organic friendly culture there so food items will be real. Despite the red coloring dye you mentioned, I dont see many cases of cancer in t...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

prowheels ,

lol, I must say I am enjoying this conversation :)
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

Jonkers , baked fish is the best, you can look up the recipe on youtube but basically use mayyoniase with lime/lemon squeezed into the mayyoinaise, rosemary, thyme, and a little salt and petter, I also add bay leaves and green bell pepper. put in the oven and then let it bake for 20 minutes or so, ...
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Any Rap Fans In UAE?

not a rap fan but a spoken word fan. one of my favorite spoken word artists is Amir Suleiman and he does Danger on youtube.

Are there any spoken word places? I use to do spoken word(not my work but someone else's and gave them credit). I was in oratory competitions snce my youth.
by lonelyndubai
Feb 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Any rap fans in UAE?
Replies: 4
Views: 1710

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

I could say white women are complicated but then i'd come off as a racist....in america, there are generally two classified types of girls, some that are more like "white girls" and some that are more like "black girls."(the spanish girls tend to be more like "black girls&qu...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

alright back from a two week trip to country x from dubai... so my next question is how do you compare Dubai vs your country of origin. I'll start Dubai multiculturalism yet segretation between communities no unified culture Country X: no multiculturalism at all and segregated communities USA unifie...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

wazabi , I thnk yu have a typo up there, not necessarily a weird vision, who better to ask than another woman bout women anyways. That is the biggest mistake that men make anyways, they regard all women the same. Hence, a well educated mannered man will treat his ill mannered, pampered, princess wi...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

wazabi , I think you really dont understand my posts, it was not about you about you but about how men generally do not understand women and should elicit the help of other women to understand women....my statement holds true ask your family to find you a wife and then cherish her. The whole dating...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

BMreformed , hmm, I dnt think I spoke for you, did I?(presumably not but if I have, I apologize). I spoke towards the gentleman who is appeased to run away from his traditons. Many such men do exist BMreformed and coming from the USA, I have seen many a white women(or other races) non muslim women ...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 10, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

Re: Why Do You Guys Like Dubai?

Ambassador , just saw that "spot on" or "autumn" well lived in NYC for the past 11 or so years..in new york there are people who speak all sorts of american accents, midwestern, brooklyn, long islander, staten islander, and then the lovely manhattanites. but more importantly whe...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 13, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why do you guys like Dubai?
Replies: 49
Views: 10430

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

BMreformed , we make things complicated for ourselves, the muslim men chase other women because their 'wives' were not chosen based on the above mentoned principles. Their mom or somebody picked out a girl based on how rich she was and vice versa for the picking of the groom. Life can be simpler if...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 13, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

Re: Why Women Are Complicated????????

Jonkers, agreed because most of the "Muslim men" are not really muslim men.... --- Mar 14, 2013 --- BMreformed , Does not offend if that is yoru observation...yu did not say a particular muslim man did you ;) so why would I take offense, which by the way i did say i warn my non muslim fri...
by lonelyndubai
Mar 14, 2013
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why women are complicated????????
Replies: 50
Views: 10645

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