littleblackdress - Posts

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good place to start...

i was just thinking... there are people that are gifted with linguistic prowess.. and words just seem to flow naturally to them... i was never good at writing stuff... was not a member of the school's publication way way back highschool :D but maybe this year i'll try my hand at it... really TRY! i ...
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: good place to start...
Replies: 6
Views: 2129

thinking out loud...

so being new to this forum, as expected, i was clicking here & there, reading stuff left, right, & center... and lo! i came across a very old post... but 1 that i like very much :D i searched the member but it seems he's no longer active :( whoever were you "blue moon" - i'm a kind...
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: thinking out loud...
Replies: 6
Views: 4909

Re: Sports & Socializing

Mostlysunny ,

hAve you tried "I FLY" in Mirdif CityCenter?? You'd be anxious at first... but I think once you've tried it - you'll want more :D
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Sports & socializing
Replies: 8
Views: 4635

Re: RIP Robin Gibbs

indeed their music will be well remembered!!! i saw him 2 years ago during the dubai jazz festival.
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: RIP Robin Gibbs
Replies: 2
Views: 4160

Re: The Avengers

way to go HULK for smashing Loki all over the place!!! :D It was the highlight of the movie if I may say so... saw it on the big screen twice; & still made me laugh out loud the second time :D
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Have you seen The Avengers?
Replies: 14
Views: 8547

Re: Sports & Socializing

Mostlysunny , yep, you do need full gear but they'll provide it... it's exhilirating & exciting! although, it really depends what type of sports you are inclined at.. but it never hurts to try... you'd still be in one piece after the flight ;) --- May 21, 2012 --- Mostlysunny , yep, you do need...
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Sports & socializing
Replies: 8
Views: 4635

Re: Women Told Not To Jet Ski Alone!

such a shame... I am a jetski enthusiast and I go by that area... it is indeed a fact that most of the boys there are rowdy, show-offs a-hole!! but there are a few who minds their own business & doesn't bother anyone... i stay as far away from the rowdy ones and i go off to the open water, enjoy...
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Women told not to jet ski alone!
Replies: 16
Views: 4332

what can 1 do to promote peace?

Mother Teresa, upon winning the Nobel Peace Prize, was asked "What can we do to promote world peace?" She answered "Go home and love your family." we can always try to make a difference as God has blessed us with wonderful families to love :) hopefully others get to realize what ...
by littleblackdress
May 21, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: what can 1 do to promote peace?
Replies: 2
Views: 4573

Re: Thinking Out Loud...

:pale: whew! close call... :)
by littleblackdress
May 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: thinking out loud...
Replies: 6
Views: 4909

Re: What Can 1 Do To Promote Peace?

True :!:
by littleblackdress
May 25, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: what can 1 do to promote peace?
Replies: 2
Views: 4573

Re: Good Place To Start...

You are doing well so far! I find your writing exhilarating! Count me in as your fan Wow! didn't know I'd be having a fan base in a span of 4 days... haha! :)) so, should i consider it an achievement? ;) thanks FF for your confidence! ;) --- May 25, 2012 --- Sacked I'm afraid. Put a period in the w...
by littleblackdress
May 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: good place to start...
Replies: 6
Views: 2129

Re: Women Told Not To Jet Ski Alone!

Frequentflier wrote:Maybe you should be wearing an Abaya over that little black dress! Then even the men wouldn't need any supervision

darn! nearly 6 yrs in the country and i never did learn that lesson... i'm still wearing 'skimpy black piece' ;)
by littleblackdress
May 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Women told not to jet ski alone!
Replies: 16
Views: 4332

Re: Women Told Not To Jet Ski Alone!

to each his/her own... :wink:
by littleblackdress
May 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Women told not to jet ski alone!
Replies: 16
Views: 4332

Re: UAE Dress Code Gains Support

i wear what makes me comfortable... it's difficult being told what to wear & what NOT to wear... it reminds me when i was a kid and my mom used to drag me to church wearing that awful white fluffy lacey sunday dress... and i've no choice.. just had to because it was imposed. some tourist & e...
by littleblackdress
May 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: UAE dress code gains support
Replies: 21
Views: 3563

Driving 101

i am writing this topic in the perspective of a 'newbie' - one that's just trying to get a driving license now (i know, i know - i should have gotten it a long, long time ago)... so anyway, yesterday was the theory class. to me, it was just funny how pedestrians & taxis are considered "haza...
by littleblackdress
May 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Driving 101
Replies: 5
Views: 1583

Re: Driving 101

i have been hearing stories about driving in dubai... especially about blood money, fines, & irresponsible motorists too... made me very apprehensive about the whole thing. :? but hats off to my friends, B & E, for helping me finally make a GO for it :D and oh, about the blood money - if one...
by littleblackdress
May 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Driving 101
Replies: 5
Views: 1583

Re: Thinking Out Loud...

Frequentflier wrote:Well, the one that got away ?

I'm the one that got away... unlucky him :wink: :P
by littleblackdress
May 27, 2012
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: thinking out loud...
Replies: 6
Views: 4909

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