leopard_jo - Posts

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It is what it is :)

To my mind what makes the Arabic language is little strange and complicated to non-arabs are the different accents used by different countries. However, (and this is true).. if you stick to one dialict or accent all other would understand what you say.. Some times the trick of the word you use is ju...
by leopard_jo
Dec 28, 2007
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Too many ways to say the same thing!!
Replies: 13
Views: 8096

I think the word you wanted to say was : Mutlakhbit (not mutlakhbir).. which means: confused or out of order in the sense of being balanced

I hope this helps :)
by leopard_jo
Dec 28, 2007
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: help meaning of word
Replies: 2
Views: 3467

Jordanians and English

hahahaha.. Ok.. I must say that (especially with Jordanian dialict) if you translate the words word-by-word it will become a total disaster!

I think mostly it is caused by the strength of expression (even in the arabic phrase)..

P.S. I am Jordanian myself :p
by leopard_jo
Dec 28, 2007
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: English Jordanian translation (Joke)
Replies: 13
Views: 7663

Yes it is possible...

Hey! I have always believed that true love does not exist.. until last year.. what i have learned that for your true love to be "true".. he/she needs to be your best friend beside your lover.. if you cannot tell your true love every thing and any thing (even when you do something stupid).....
by leopard_jo
Dec 30, 2007
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: True love does exist!
Replies: 20
Views: 7325

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