lcfc2012 - Posts

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Partner could apply for sponsorship, how would i get a visa?

Hi, I am a gay man and my partner is going to apply for a job working for emirates and would be based in Dubai. He would be able to apply for sponsorship visa but i am wondering how I could obtain a visa to live there. I fully appreciate the law regarding gays in Dubai so i suspect this is not easy....
by lcfc2012
Feb 05, 2012
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Partner could apply for sponsorship, how would i get a visa?
Replies: 3
Views: 3582

Re: Partner Could Apply For Sponsorship, How Would I Get A V


So let me re emphasise I know it is not legal. I suppose my real question would be is it possible for me to go to Dubai on a visitor visa and get a job to get a residence visa.

Can someone with some genuine insight reply rather than some who feels the need to sensor the word gay.

by lcfc2012
Feb 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Partner could apply for sponsorship, how would i get a visa?
Replies: 3
Views: 3582

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