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Please suggest

I attended an interview on November 17th 2013, and then went back to my home country as my visa got expired. I was selected in that interview, They took all my details to process the visa before i left. After waiting for 4.5 months in India they sent me employment visa at the end of March. Then I ca...
by kinu
Sep 02, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Please suggest
Replies: 6
Views: 2293

Re: Please Suggest

He is demanding for AED. 7000/- to cancel my visa. But when I inquired in the ministry they said he cant report absconding case as i have given complaint in the ministry
by kinu
Sep 03, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Please suggest
Replies: 6
Views: 2293

Re: Please Suggest

Can he forcefully keep me here in such bad working condition. No cleaning, no salary, abusing calls and boss speaking badly always. Without peace of mind I cant work in that organization --- Sep 03, 2014 --- Hello Andyba, Boss has already scolded me saying I am spoiling the reputation of the company...
by kinu
Sep 03, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Please suggest
Replies: 6
Views: 2293

suggestion please

hello anybody is free??
by kinu
Oct 09, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: suggestion please
Replies: 1
Views: 1240

Re: Please Suggest

Boss is a Indian. I have videos of unclean office in my mobile. Boss came to ministry today (3rd hearing) and told the legal advisor that i need to go office and hand over the things then he will cancel my visa. Then advisor told me to go to the office immediately and finish off the work. As soon as...
by kinu
Oct 09, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Please suggest
Replies: 6
Views: 2293

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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