How do they know they will be viewed as more virtous and closer to god? Did they just pull those notions out of a hat? They admit that it isn't a requirement for all Muslim women, but they seem to believe that the truly virtuous and pious women wear the niqab and burka and that is why they choose to...
Nucleus, you posted the blog but not the specific article. I think it was the Blue Abaya blog or something like that.
"go over the head" Geez, I'm getting flashbacks to EH and FD who criticised my intelligence when I didn't agree with their point of view. Maybe its a male thing.
Nucleus, let's take an example. If your daughter told you she wanted to walk around in a tank top and mini-skirt in Dubai because it is her right to dress how she pleases, would you support her choice, or would you push her to dress more conservatively? Some men here claim to be on women's side abou...
Shaf, you keep insisting on the criminalizing part when I have said I don't actively seek a ban. I could care less if there was a ban or not - I oppose the veil whether it is legally permitted or not. I think the same could be said for people walking around naked and saying it makes them closer to g...
While I think getting the license is too easy, I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet. Most Canadian provinces have high numbers of hunting gun ownership and Canada seems to be doing just fine.
Nucleus, like I said, culture and religion need to be teased apart to get to the root of what is being used as an excuse to condone how women are treated. Of course there are "honour" killings in other cultures where Islam is not present. The question still stands - why are men so obsessed...
Yes, but if a small number of those people wanted to walk around naked in Dubai or any Western city for that matter, they would be challenged. There would be calls for bans, and people would not want to accommodate their form of "religious freedom" because it conflicts with values in the d...
The question still stands - why are men so obsessed with a woman's se.xual honour that she is worth nothing and dishonours her whole family and deserves to be killed/jailed/married off? I think it is related to income earner, I've seen rich women who are with not a guy with equal status. Guy can't ...
If women are being told by the Imam or those in their society that they have to shroud under loose sheets of cloth (face showing or not), while the men walk around in t-shirts and shorts, that is oppression because it is an unfair double-standard. The burden is on the women to dress in a certain way...
Cracking down on the agencies and companies would be a huge hit to the economy, so they will never do anything except give out small fines and pay lip service.
FF, you are heartless and clueless with those statements. Just because people come from poverty conditions at home doesn't mean they should be exploited abroad. If you take their passports and don't pay their salaries, how is that better than them being at home? At least at home they are with their ...
There isn't a fuss over men's clothing. I saw men in swim trunks on the beach while their wives were in an abaya or niqab sitting and watching from the sidelines and not enjoying a swim themselves. In the mall I saw men in tank tops and shorts and t-shirts and shorts while their wives were in an aba...
Nucleus, all of the last part of discussion is off-topic from the origina Obama topic and should belong in a separate thread. None of my comments were off-topic in this off-topic part ;). In fact, the discussion was not limited to religious freedom or not, since some people still can't agree whether...
What does the Quran say is the punishment for women and men for infidelity? Nucleus, you 've still lost me on this tangent you've gone on. I'll comment anyway. Wealthy women will certainly have a different attitude in a relationship than poor women, because they are able to function independently fr...
The filmmaker did a good job of provoking some Muslims and getting the desired reaction to prove his point. It is really sad that people died because of this filmmaker's hateful rubbish and the mob mentality of some conservative Muslims.
FF, you had plenty of opportunity to comment on what I was saying on the other topics in the other threads and you chose not to do so. I never said that I expected Muslim women to start wearing tank tops and mini-skirts, so that is complete nonsense. This thread is about the video so try to stay on ...
It seems to be human nature for people to align themselves into "us" vs "them" groups, for whatever group it may be. In some countries that have seen constant poverty, conflict and war, human life has less meaning becasue everyone has become accustomed to violence and death. It i...
So Shaf are you saying that I have not indeed seen men in t-shirts and shorts, tank top and shorts, and swim trunks next to their wives/sisters/mothers who are covered to a much higher degree - This is only my biased perception of the reality? Nucleus, my point is that there are men who don't wear l...
Paranoid, I'm sorry to hear that you had to find your dog a new home. Thanks for following up and letting people know what happened in regards to keeping a dog when renting an apartment.
I have no problems being friends with or getting along with men who don't view women as equals and who get uncomortable with feminist issues. Change doesn't happen overnight. Women shouldn't remain silent so that they don't rock the boat. Hopefully my topics have provoked some consideration of the d...
Nucleus, I think that when someone is economically dependent on a wealthier spouse and they don't want to be without the benefits of money, they will tolerate more bad behaviour of their spouse. The other spouse knows this. This is what I mean by someone abusing their power over the other. It is the...