Every year, family members hold a special ceremony to remember loved ones who died when a bomb aboard the plane exploded over the coast of Ireland, killing 329 people. Only one man has ever been convicted for his role in the tragedy which has widely been believed to be the work of Sikh extremists. ...
Just as you do with any neighbour, you speak to them directly to solve the problem first. After that, if the problem is not solved, you go to the relevant authorities. Have you called the Dubai municipality and asked if there are regulations on the volume of Mosque speakers (e.g. cannot exceed a cer...
Religion and government together... it would scare me, but, I'm not Egyptian and it wasn't my vote. Let's see what happens... Se.xual harassment of women was a problem in Egypt before, but since the revolution it has increased and it seems to be used as a tool to suppress women during this revolutio...
Some Copts likely did vote for the Muslim Brotherhood if they thought there was more danger in having a former Mubarak regime candidate in office than having an Islamic government, but I'm sure that many Copts do worry about living under an Islamic government. I hope that those Copts who did vote fo...
I'd rather use the term political terrorist, or right/left wing terrorist in cases where terrorists have primarily listed political reasons for their actions. If religion is only a minor point, often used as back-up justification to support one or two political views, then why should religion take p...
Shaf, I edited my original post to bring up the escalating incidences of se.xual molestation and harassment of women in public during the revolution. It is a worrying sign for me, as I was hoping that Egyptian women would be able sieze upon the moment of revolution to assert their rights as well and...
Speak for yourself Berrin - I haven't been politically brainwashed about the Holocaust. You seem to be pretty gullible and non-critical about conspiracy theories and history revisionism.
Shaf, if you read more about women in Egypt you will see the problem has existed for a while and increased when women stepped out to protest along with the men during the revolution. There is no one political affiliation isolated as the main offenders.
You banned lot now coming back under various aliases didn't have a problem spreading your anti-Islamic hate propaganda, so why whine about other people's hate propaganda? Leave the whining to those of us who actually loathe all types of hate propaganda.
Anti-Muslim views "Everyone should dislike and not trust Muslims. Islam is inherently bad." Anti-Jew views, "Everyone should dislike and not trust Jews. Judaism is inherently bad." Spot the difference?
You read only what suits your biases. Why don't you try reading broadly? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denying_the_Holocaust Are you now saying that Jews are conspiring to use Christians as their puppets and scapegoats for their political ambitions? Back onto the "shrewd Jew" stereotype and...
As far as I'm concerned, there are several of you who are too extreme in your pro-Islam, pro-Judaism, pro-Christian ideologies. Very annoying to keep reading all of the bullcra.p - so I'll stop reading in the Politics section.
Re: extremism, some of you need to consider if you find yourself reading within a very limited scope of religio-political topics, and why you choose to focus so many hours on such a limited scope of topics. Isn't there anything else interesting out there? Personally, I'd only read a massive volume o...
I've seen plenty of pro-Islam posts on the forum. I seem to recall one troll was tagged "Islam 24/7" by another member. I've also seen plenty of Jew hatred on the forums - including one Antisemitic, Nazi bigot claiming Judaism is responsible for divisions in the world and is segregationis...
Although Morsi has previously argued for banning women from the presidency, he said before the election that as president he would stand for women’s rights. Sounds like a typical politician - he just blows with the wind. Putting a token woman in a governmet role doesn't mean women's rights in the e...
Berrin, debunking many conspiracy theories is quite easy, yet the conspiracy theories still persist. Why? Because some people are impervious to evidence and reason and they are highly motivated to choose to believe in the theory.
Shaf, do you really care what the sad banned gang thinks of you? I certainly don't care about a single one of their opinions. There is nothing to prove to loser internet trolls who just want to get a reaction out of you because its their only way to have a laugh in their sad and bitter lives.
Shaf, please enlighten me as to the reasons if you didn't like my list. Edit: You've posted an article that I'll now deal with. "Yes, Muslims are displaying their identity more overtly since 9/11 and 7/7 but they've also come under heavier political scrutiny. The veil has almost become a spirit...