So true BB. I've been thinking about the young people I see who audition for singing, dancing, or other talent shows and they have no talent at all in those areas and are completely indignant at the judges who tell them the truth about their "performance". Why? Because they have parents, t...
I saw a woman the other day whose foundation was 5 x too light for her real complexion - bordering on geisha I just don't get it. Better to accentuate our best features and not try to create a whole new unnatural look.
It is worth a try, but if some of the trolls have been patient enough to create new aliases every few days over the past month or so, writing some 50 + posts will take them a day two and they'll be back in the trolling business.
I disagree Shaf. The root problem IS oppression of women. The only way to preserve the cultural norms is to have the young women marry and leave from their father's home to their husband's home, with no studies or work - straight to baby-making. That was the measure of success, as was claimed in the...
Shaf, the article demonstrates that the views are changing and there are indeed more women in university and as the article said, more women living alone and couples are getting married later. (That has to do with money for the wedding and likely completing studies, as is what happens in other parts...
In the West no one bats an eyelash about single women renting apartments, and it is the norm to have a large percentage of women attending universities. Women marry if they choose to, and stay single if they don't want to marry, or can't find the right person for them. If someone came out and said t...
I know I'm talking from a biased perspective, so I'd really like to hear what Mel has to say on the issue. The Iranian women I know are all well-educated and are professionals, so are much the same as the women Shaf has met. --- Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:50 pm --- I can't do certain things because I'm not...
I don't think that many people in the West would feel that marriage and a stable home is inferior compared to singlehood. Actually, speaking as a woman from the West, married to a Western man, there are oppressive ideas about a woman's role in a marriage that I could do without. Many of my friends h...
Mel, I'm glad to hear that single women living alone is less stigmatized in Tehran - sounds like a positive step to unburden women who would like to pursue higher education or wait a while to find the right man to marry. Shaf, all I can say is that when I see a hot Arab guy at the beach with no shir...
Well Shaf, I'm a Western woman and didn't feel safer with men in Dubai where men supposedly have more respect for women. I was gawked at in an indecent way, even when wearing loose long pants/skirt and 3/4 sleeve/ long sleeved tops. I prefer the more discreet observing of Western men. Again, it is a...
We need some female rockers here! Joan Jett - Bad Reputation --- Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:44 pm --- Heart - Barracuda --- Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:49 pm --- Pat Benatar - Heartbreaker
Madonna freaks me out - she's the same age as my mom and feels herself up in lingerie and boob flashes in front of thousands of people. I admire how Pat Benatar and Joan Jett age gracefully and still kick on the stage.
The trial of Anders Behring Breivik has ended in Norway with a walkout by families of victims in protest at his attempts to justify the massacre. Seriously, whether he is insane or not they just need to lock him up permanently and keep him from harming...
I know, the lyrics aren't for me either. I remember my 5 year old cousin singing that because she loved the tune, and she had no clue what the lyrics meant :shock: Here is my video for today - just gorgeous. Robyn is so underrated, but I think she prefers it that way. :D ...
I think that is the best course of action if one really wants to understand and not push their own agenda forward and because no matter what we say it won't matter because it is comming from a man and a muslim man on top and somehow that immediately invalidates all arguments in this regards. I have...
I do not believe that the hair in itself is that important; this is not about protection from men's lusts. It is me telling the world that my femininity is not available for public consumption. I am taking control of it, and I don't want to be part of a system that reduces and demeans women. Behind...