I'd love to be a famous painter or photographer - they don't tend to get their lives infested by paparazzi all of the time and can still enjoy having their work celebrated.
The apartment was sold using eBay this year, a previous attempt to sell the apartment was in 2004 (not on eBay I dont' think) as per the article I posted on the first page. I haven't read anything about the apartment first being sold on eBay in 1997. So what if the guy was in one of the Trekkies mov...
blueshift, you are choosing to be a jerk about all of this. All I did was post about the cool design of the apartment, then when I found info that it had been supposedly sold, I reported that here too. I've got two links, one is to a dated BBC article (January 28, 2012) that says he and his ex are s...
Why indulge all of this nonsense. MrsMills is BM, as is mikehunt. She needs to use one alias to stick up for another - because she's classy like that. Just ignore BM. Another alias bites the dust. Seriously, we're dealing with Hydra here... cut one head off and two more spring up in its place. :lol:...
The only way to clear this up is to inteview Alleyne about his motives and ask about his relationship with his ex, then check UK property records to see if and when the apartment was sold, to whom, and for how much. Anything short of that leaves more speculation, and I've got no interest in tangling...
dxbsoul, I'm sorry that this has happened to you. She doesn't seem like she wants to reconcile. If she wants to go, just let her go. Cancel her visa and let her make her own way in Dubai.
Thanks for posting Chocs. I was reading about trolls who write the craziest hurtful things and post disgusting pictures on dead people's tribute pages and also harass and threaten public figures. There seems to be a lot of people out there quite keen on hurling foul abuse at others just to get a kic...
Here is an article that is interesting - "Five Reasons to Stop Saying 'Good Job'" http://www.alfiekohn.org/parenting/gj.htm ...Lest there be any misunderstanding, the point here is not to call into question the importance of supporting and encouraging children, the need to love them and hu...
You say you support choice, but you support the propagation of false ideas attached to your religion. The point still stands that male Imams have given the false line that wearing the veil brings a WOMAN closer to god, the Quran itself says nothing about that. For this reason alone I think more Musl...