I don't have the Windows CD :( --- Thu May 03, 2012 7:09 pm --- So now I've put the same disk that I burned Darik's Nuke and Boot program back into my current laptop and it reads the CD as new and unformatted - no sign of the program. I burned the program successfully and just saw the program when I...
Found my thumb drive, copied and intalled Eraser onto my old laptop.... Doesn't delete anything when I ask it to. Not the whole drive, not any specific folders, nothing. :angryfire: Nucleus, I want everything gone, because I'm giving the computer to a shop who will recycle it and give me $50 off the...
shafique wrote:There should be one for families with small kids - many days we wake up with one or more kids in the bed... and they act as if the whole bed is their territory!!
So true! We've got a super king sized bed so that we can fit everyone, including the cats in the bed
I've removed the hard drive and I'll likely just smash the thing when I want to get rid of it. No one can recover data on a destroyed hard drive. They still take it without the hard drive inside. Setting up the new computer today!
I don't think driving a car makes a woman manly. It simply scares some men that a woman could get into a car by herself and drive wherever she wants, whenever she wants. Fathers, husbands, brothers fear a loss of control of the women in their families. If women felt the same way about men, then the ...
In MOE I saw one male tourist in short lycra bicycle shorts and a t-shirt. Then there was the female tourist wearing a tight spagetti strap tank top and mini skirt who got off a tourist bus with others to go and take photos of the outside of the Jumeirah Mosque.... during Ramadan. People could defin...
I don't think tourists/expats should have to cover from their neck, wrists all the way down to the ankles, don't get me wrong :) I just think people could much more considerate to the UAE customs. Besides, the malls are freezing cold anyway, so I don't even understand how people can wear beachwear i...
More posts, but you still can't provide a link to the info that informed you that the apartment is still for sale or that all of this story is a far-fetched.