I'm sure there are clinics in Dubai offering these services, though they haven't been scientifically proven to be effective treatments. More info and discussion here (see links on the right) - http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/
Thanks for sharing Berrin, I found his points around these quotes very important... It is amazing to think about what has been filtered out for us and what is being allowed in our little bubble and we don't have a say in the criteria being used. "What we're seeing is a passing of the torch, fro...
Actually, I didn't have an easy childhood, have a complicated family background. I just don't talk about everything on here. I'm very fortunate to have a loving family. :D I tried asking FD what "stripper mentality" is and he says it is about money. However, that didn't remotely fit the co...
I think his point was that the newspaper editors were using judgement about those ranges of topics for their readers, but the point is that the new algorithmic filters cannot use such judgement. I can't think of how they can do that, so I wish they wouldn't use the filters at all. Basically, I think...
I thought maybe we can all share links that help educate and provide steps for people to follow to mind privacy and security issues on the internet. Here are few to start; Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - http://www.privacyrights.org ( Fact sheet 18 - http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs18-cyb.htm ) Net...
I pulled many pranks when I was a kid, but they were lame e.g. tried the plastic wrap on the toilet trick, and set the classroom clock back by an hour during recess.
Those who were banned chose to post people's private info on the forum and/or racist and and Islamphobic insults and propaganda. They had received previous suspensions for their conduct, yet still chose to behave in an abusive way. The post report button and Andyba's PM button are there for a reason...
Well Ambassador, are you implying that the rest of us are as racist and Islamophobic as those who were banned, and we are keeping a "clean" act just to make friends? Wow. I suppose if you feel that way, and you really miss those who have been banned, you can all start your own forum where ...
Perhaps it is wishful thinking on your part that others have similar racist and Islamophobic views as those who were banned. We're just back to the old, "Awww come on! You are as bad as they are, but they just have the guts to voice their real opinions." Hooey.
I think it was Chocs who once left and told everyone to F off. :lol: I come and go depending on if I'm annoyed, travelling, busy. Look, I understand that you are upset that Andyba banned your friends. Finger pointing and blaming is pointless. If you miss them, meet up in person when you are all in D...
But people should know that all info and applications necessary for immigrating to Canada are available for free online on the government website. Many people are misled to believe that immigration services can speed up the processing of their applications, which isn't true. http://www.cic.gc.ca/eng...
You went to be a do-gooder by volunteering with Sea Shepherd, only to come to DF and find your friends banned because of their own abusive behaviour for which they have received previous suspensions. Andyba has been quite unkind to you with such a reward. I bet, while he was 'gleefully' adding RED b...