Wow BM, you're itching for a 6th ban in 2 years are you? That's a DF record. I was wondering how many bans Andyba had to give out before he thought someone was fit for a permanent one.
How would I know you weren't referring to Nucleus? Who are you talking about then? Please share the details.
What, nothing juicy about me - just calling me perky after a pig? Just as I figured. You picked a boring person to try to "expose" online. You must be disappointed.
You see BM, there are oh so many people I write - you know me, sending hundreds of PM's a day, just to talk about you! Please, do tell us who I PMed that was so "sneaky"?
shafique , military people always get more sympathy because no one likes to see their "heroes" fall into disgrace. Cover it up, or gloss it over. There are many excuses they can give, like war weariness. No doubt there are contributing factors but aren't there always before someone goes o...
herve , he is French. Muslim is not a nationality. If he killed and used his religion as justification, that doesn't change his nationality. If someone is labeling the kind of terrorist he is based on his own stated affiliation, then he is an Islamic terrorist. He is still a French citizen. So, let...
I couldn't care less if they guy only views himself at primarly Muslim above all else. It doesn't mean that all Muslims in France feel the same way as him or will go out and murder innocent people like he did.
So people who blow up oil rigs and animal testing facilities aren't terrorists? Shaf can put those together - as far as I've seen, he doesn't deny that there is such a thing as Islamic terrorism. He can confirm.
BM, you tried to accuse someone else because you are chomping at the bit to reveal their person info on the forum. You know who it was. I've offered to share the communication, but you need his permission first.
BM, after exhausting one forum with your wind ups, you moved on to DF. We've seen you lose friends and piss people off here, and it happens in your off-forum life too. Keep your chin up loser! Karma will take care of you, as it always has. Ahhh, if only we learned from this useful video. :lol: http:...
"Yet, far from succeeding, Monteilh eventually so unnerved Orange County's Muslim community that that they got a restraining order against him. In an ironic twist, they also reported Monteilh to the FBI: unaware he was in fact working undercover for the agency." Priceless! It is frustratin...
Wow, that must be upsetting! You really need to speak with a lawyer because he/she will have the best advice. Good luck with everything! If I were you I'd try to track down the two others who were there and provide the police with their info so that you don't remain the only suspect.
Well, I try to buy all appliances, electronics, cars etc. to be energy efficient and switch stuff off when not using it, so I do try to make an effort beyond Earth Hour
It doesn't surprise me at all. There aren't high enough standards or enforcement of cleanliness in food businesses, and with the extreme heat, it is very likely that food items are not stored at the correct temperature at all times. I'll never forget the story of the two children who died from food ...