I think you know that Muslims will say they don't want their bodies scanned, both men and women. You know full well from your read on Google that everyone has the right to refuse, but it results in a pat down in a separate room and can be conducted by a male for a male and female for a female. Next ...
Yes, professor green! (And how many others do YOU have?) Like I said, if you don't believe me, ask Andyba to check the IP addresses for kanelli and whatever the other username was and he can confirm that it wasn't me. But that would burst your little fantasy about me being as unethical as you and pe...
Dillon , what is your suggestion? I think that throwing all kinds of anti-Islam crap in Muslims' faces, especially ridiculous propaganda written by loons on internet websites, is certainly not the way to make things better. You may recall that Symmetric was trying to calm his anger and change his v...
It all sounds strange to me. It likely wouldn't have occurred to me to ask police about a Swiss Army knife, which is essentially a pocket tool kit. I'd just carry it with me if I was camping or in the context I'd need it, but wouldn't be carrying it every day. I would never suspect that I'd be patte...
SY, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. Life always has a way of working out though. Good luck with everything, and all the best with your pregancy and birth of your baby. A blessing amongst the bad stuff
Interesting how you don't rail about how Sage is an anti-semite because he banned BM for not taking her Israeli flag avatar down. If a Muslim poster had asked for it to be removed for the same reasons as Sage he'd be accused of being a anti-semite terrorist by you.
You said it reminded you of BM. Were't you referring to her getting a ban for posting an Israeli flag as her avatar? So far as I know, BM isn't Moroccan and has no issues with her electricity and water supply.
That's great lisachee, I hope you find everything you need there. I wanted to clarify that I was talking about the buggy with the facing in and facing out comment. Slings that allow babies to face out and hangs the baby by the crotch are not good for baby's hips. My favourite sling was the Ergo. Goo...
I'm not doing any detective work. Sorry to disappoint you. :) Since you don't like to ask Andyba yourself, would you like me to email Andyba for you to ask him to check the IP addresses? You'll have to PM me the username you want to check, since I don't know it. Once I have that I can email him and ...
So that's a no to contacting Andyba to clear up your conspiracy theories?
Don't worry BM, its only been a day or so, at some point someone will PM me. You've offered to give me your name yourself but then have backed out for some reason.
Flying Dutchman , and Herve I've flown with Muslims countless times and I am never afraid. After my husband could have been blown up in a bomb attack by a mentally ill teenager in our city, I realize that terror can happen anywhere and by anyone. I'm not more afraid of Muslims when I am travelling ...
Geez, and you say I am thick. As you can plainly read, I am no longer discussing your inane topic, but rather discussing FD and Herve's ridiculous posts about profiling Muslims in international travel.
You seriously think that Bora Bora would support the hijacking of a plane full of Israelis to secure the release of Palestinians? When has Bora Bora ever made comments like that? You are being such an #$$^^&. I wish there was some kind of profiling for ignorant %^$%&& like you and Herve ...
I won't announce anything. Like I said. The name will just sit with me, and if there is any further abuse on your part by bringing my personal off-forum life onto the forum, I'll be able to give your name to the proper authorities. I have never posted, and never will post, anyone's private info on t...
Young people travelling alone can often be profiled for drugs or whatever. It has happened to me. I know a European woman stopped and strip searched at the airport after flying to the States from Jamaica.
FD, who has been threatening people by posting details about someone's illegal cohabitation status and mentioning their police friend, and posting people's real names on the forum? Was it me? Sorry, that would be BM (and Herve). You've picked a nice group of people there! The anti-Islamic bias is th...