Once again, insulting intelligence is all you can resort to. What a sad little man you are.
Please, if we are so dumb here, move on to another forum where people are smarter and you can have better discussions. Don't let the door hit your backside on the way out.
Herve, please explain how anything Khomeini said is relevant to what the Quran and Hadith say? As we have seen in many religions, people come up with crazy religious justifications for their deviant actions. Islam is no different than Christianity, Judaism or any other religion in that respect. The ...
Look, the video does explain the differences in se.xual maturity across the ages that might reflect why a marriage or consummation at 9 may have been acceptable back then. What I still have problems with are why the men who are significantly older are allowed to marry such young brides? What would 5...
Hamas plays host to pedophelia, 450 grooms wed girls under 10 years old in Gaza. http://www.bajanreporter.com/2009/11/palestine-ignores-child-prostitution-under-their-own-noses-hamas-plays-host-to-pedophilia/ Are you sure you are correct about that? http://www.hoax-slayer.com/mass-muslim-marriage.s...
:roll: You haven't told us from which website you got the wrong quote which misled you. Now you are trying to put words and meanings into the Quran which aren't there, and haven't acknowledged why you chose to believe a misleading (and wrong) quote to begin with. Just wishing that your loon interpr...
See, you guys stick to insults and can't address the actual topic. Herve, I'm stunned that you were employed in French secret service capacities. You said that you researched the article - so where is your proof that these are pictures of child brides? You make claims but don't back them up. I have ...
Kanelli, you think you are going to brush off all the links and pictures Herve posted with your single post ? if anyone has credibility it is not you. I'm brushing them off because they appear to be propaganda when I look at the contents and dig deeper. gertrude, you are notorious for your anti-Mus...
Well, FD, if you haven't served in the Dutch army or secret service and put your life on the line, all you did was hold down a job, pay taxes, and look after your family, aren't you the same as Shaf? If you are living outside of the Netherlands, are you also using your country too? What makes Shaf a...
In some socialist countries there is a smaller gap between the lesser and higher educated people, with the average education being quite high for the whole population. As well, ill and disabled people are care for better, so they aren't living off the streets in large numbers and they get an ok stan...
There are two groups of people in this discussion: -Those that consider a 50+ man having se.x with a 9 year old pedophilia -Those that donot consider a 50+ man having se.x with a 9 year old pedophilia. The first group are made out as loons by poster Shafique. So where do I fit? I see the Quran, Had...
Thanks for putting it in a nutshell there Shaf. It won't get through to the Islamophobes though - they want to believe that those photos are of 450 forced child marriages.
Exactly. Look how silent the anti-Islam crew have been. They'd rather spend their time personally insulting us than discussing the actual subject and admitting that this example that herve gave is a hoax. FD, what does herve's supposed bravery or heroism in his past career have to do with the fact t...
According to the one paper, there is scientific evidence of an age of se.xual maturity that shows that thousands of years ago 9 year olds were already menstruating. Yes, the article speaks of an era when Neandertahlers were still walking the earth. With all of this evidence I can see why young peop...
It doesn't take away the fact that a 50 year old man having s.ex with a 9 year old girl is dead wrong. The fact that she may have started her periods is irrelevent. So if 9 year-olds hit puberty and have se.xual hormones flowing and begin to show interest in boys, you don't think that back then the...
FD, there is no mention of age gap between bride and groom, but there are rules that the bride and groom have to have reached s.exual and mental maturity. They likely thought that a 53 year old and 9 year old were equal if they both fit that criteria, but I would disagree.
I loved the old meet-ups which were for everyone and centred around fun activities like bowling, ice skating, go-karting, karaoke etc. People weren't complete assholes to each other back then so no one felt weird about meeting up. Not the case today! Meet-ups have to be hand selected to keep out the...
Here is the International Center for Research on Women's info and campaign about child marriage - http://www.icrw.org/what-we-do/adolescents/child-marriage Child Marriage Around the world If present trends continue, 100 million girls will marry over the next decade. That’s 25,000 girls married every...
You hand selected "several" people you have met on DF and had some drinky poos together, then you come to the forum to brag to everyone else here that you had a great time at your "DF meetup". When some of us who met each other on DF got together independent of a "DF meetup&...
The person acting like a kid was you posting such a thread in the first place. Who else on this whole forum should care about your small hand-picked meet-up? Should all of the rest of those lurking and participating who weren't invited care what you and your clique get up to off-forum? BM, what is s...