Yes, clearly people are being very responsible... If people get pissed off enough who knows if someone won't get stabbed. It has happened in France over a video game, and in the UK over an internet forum. How does someone stab another person over an internet forum???? :drunken: :drunken: I would th...
I can't stand anti-Jew and anti-Muslim propaganda and hateful attitudes. I'm done trying to convince any one belonging to either camp because they'll just stick to their hateful views anyway.
Maybe BB hasn't noticed the join date under your name. May, June, July, Aug, Sept... that is plenty of time to see who is up to what with whom on this forum.
LOL ! Answers, you ! How bout you clear your backlog first before trying to demand anything from anyone. Exactly. :lol: I could easily write you an essay covering the historical, political, and cultural factors at play - but for what? Your thick head is impervious to reason, and you cling tightly t...
Unfortunately men show their very ugly side on this forum on a daily basis Even sick children aren't out of bounds Same for you BM. You didn't mind having a go at my mothering and bringing up my children. Then you had a go about DDS's wife. How about the latest comments about Shaf and his daughter?...
I've watched several documentaries on tribespeople from around the world and there were examples of young girls and boys being forced to marry each other, dragged, crying and all. There are many cultures from around the world where the parents arrange the marriage and the children feel forced to com...
"The "Liberation from Forced Marriages" report argues that more than 70 percent of marriages among British Muslims involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force. " Those are 70% of marriages involving a foreign spouse Herve. How many Muslim marriages in the UK...
Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations.
Well BM, you or your other "brilliant" friends like EH and FD are most welcome to read the article Herve posted and show Herve where he has gone completely wrong with his rant. I doubt you will though, even if some of you clearly see his misrepresentations. Wow, quite the social manipulat...
There is no honour amongst loons, it seems. I've noticed that FD has a simple formula: 1. I will quote you in full 2. I will usually reel off a single line in an attempt to pretend I am not bothered. 3. If I write a second sentence, I will diagnose a psychological problem. 4. If I write a third sen...
Yes BM and Drew, it is everyone else with misplaced annoyance at your "humour" on the forum since you joined. It isn't like a mod at JBR forum had to keep moderating your conduct and cracking down on you because you were making the place uncomfortable for everyone else. People on JBR forum...
Can't you contact the Ministry of Labour or check your cancelled visa to see the date when the ban came into effect? After 6 months you can seek employment in the UAE again. If you apply for work before that they will see that your ban is still in effect and you will be denied.
I don't give a crap if you agree with BB. I can say what I like. If you are all so concerned about harmony here, why don't you all step back from your keyboards - PERMANENTLY. It is obvious that NONE of us can get along. How about we all kick ourselves off the forum for own bad conduct towards other...
Yes, clearly I'M the only one unable to move forward here! Ha ha ha! Look, how many times has the forum been through this in the past year? Fight Club solves nothing, in fact gives people a license to be even worse to each other in there. Nothing will improve on this forum, especially without modera...
Fight Club shouldn't even exist. How absurd to have a special place for abusing others when the forum rules are that no one should be abusing - period! Keeping the really nasty stuff out of sight is dishonest, and realistically, it always spills out onto the main forum because it causes people to di...
I think you are right, that DF is a like a microcosm of the real world, especially if we consider people hating other people they know really nothing about. If we look at the personal level, some hateful fighting like what we have seen on here wouldn't happen so easily in real life if we were standi...
I know, I was just discussing around the topic of the first part of your post. Sorry, but I'm not feeling inspired to talk about love on this forum. I have no optimism that some posters on this forum can get over their bitterness at others or turn over a new page and start afresh with those who have...
I know, I was just discussing around the topic of the first part of your post. Sorry, but I'm not feeling inspired to talk about love on this forum. I have no optimism that some posters on this forum can get over their bitterness at others or turn over a new page and start afresh with those who hav...
We used to walk our cats on leash in Dubai, and also let them loose in the backyard when we were around to supervise. They stayed in the indoors during the hot months, we just had an awesome cat tree and toys to keep them occupied.
People have to "disguise" themselves as non-Muslims in order to drink or be around others who drink (even if they don't themselves). Seems a bit dishonest and discriminatory to me, but makes for better PR. Then outsiders who look in can't say they saw a lot of Muslims/Emiratis enjoying mus...