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Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions

Once a baby is born it is definitely a person. I think that there should be a rule about the age of the fetus. For example, no abortions once hitting 3rd trimester. The baby must be born and given for adoption if the mother doesn't want it. During the first two trimesters every woman should have th...
by kanelli
Jul 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/18/rais-bhuiyan-pleads-to-spare-mark-stroman_n_902137.html Below is an excerpt, but please read the whole article. I dedicate this thread to Islamophobes who constantly post anti-Islam propaganda on this site. Over the past several months, Bhuiyan, a devout Musl...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection
Replies: 28
Views: 2239

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

I haven't met any pro-lifer who isn't devoutly religious, especially one that would call for women and doctors to be killed for having or providing abortions. It is my compromise for also recognizing the rights of a fetus when it is viable outside of the womb. When it comes down it, if it was all or...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

I think freedom of religion is being allowed to have a place of worship and be allowed to pray there. Also to be free from persecution in society because of one's religion. Just because those things don't happen in some countries doesn't meant that a country that touts itself as a freedom-loving and...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Republican backs right to ban mosques
Replies: 19
Views: 2192

Re: Filipino Accent Considered Clear ?!

I'm assuming that any company starting up a call centre in the Philippines would likely hire the people with the neutral accents.
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Filipino accent considered clear ?!
Replies: 46
Views: 8591

Re: Jewish Terror

spoken like a ted bundy psycho, mixed with some asperger. I'll have to remember this one when you get on your high horse about how I was swearing in a few threads in Fight Club. This and making fun of Chocs as being "crazy". Talk about low. Spare everyone your online psychological diagnos...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

Herve, holy misplaced anger or what! Your ignorance and hatred for Muslims is astounding. I'd hardly call you open-minded.
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

If a guy was trying to insist on helping me get heavy bags into my apartment I'd be very nervous and firmly tell him that I can manage it myself. Screaming is a bit over the top if you ask me, but you don't know her background - maybe she's been attacked before? I mean really, women can lift heavy t...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

I don't think its got anything to do with chivalry to be honest and more to do with common courtesy to EVERYONE. Exactly! Holding a door for a person instead of dropping it in their face is something everyone appreciates. If a man or woman is struggling with carrying something, what is wrong with a...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

Oh please EH, one doesn't have to be a feminist to agree that women should not be killed for having an abortion.
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject

That's a nice story too general_A! It is always inspiring when people can put themselves in others' shoes and feel the compassion to forgive. In the story above, the widows and some family members of two of Stroman's victims who he did manage to kill were of the same mind as Bhuiyan who survived - t...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection
Replies: 28
Views: 2239

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

busa, didn't you find it strange that you were not taught that swearing in front of anyone is offensive and looked down upon? Who says that women are more sensitive than others to swearing? (From my experience on this forum it is the men who get most upset :D ) I can't speak for every woman, but at ...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

I don't believe in the death penalty. I also don't believe that a woman should be imprisoned for life if she has an abortion. We've already been through the discussion on when the baby has rights independent from the mother. None of this has anything to do with the fact that one does not have to be ...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: Jewish Terror

Are all French people like you Herve?
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Be Careful What You Write - Fine For FB Insults

Wow, I can't believe someone would actually resort to police action over a FB quarrel! I guess this is a great example of another petty person who likes their revenge served cold. Pathetic.
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Be careful what you write - fine for FB insults
Replies: 43
Views: 3309

Re: Jewish Terror

Well, if all Muslims are the same then aren't all French people? ;) spoken like a ted bundy psycho, mixed with some asperger. I'll have to remember this one when you get on your high horse about how I was swearing in a few threads in Fight Club. This and making fun of Chocs as being "crazy"...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Be Careful What You Write - Fine For FB Insults

Police referred EG to prosecutors eight months later on charges of insulting a religious creed. That charge was dismissed by the prosecutor, Haifa Al Marzooqi, who instead referred her to court on insult charges. I'm taking that to mean that EG wasn't to be punished for giving the opinion that she ...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Be careful what you write - fine for FB insults
Replies: 43
Views: 3309

Re: Stranger Moves Into Foreclosed Home...

Well, the owners walked away from the house and never returned, and the mortgage company closed down. Essentially it is an empty house completely in limbo with no one to take possession now or in the future. I say it was pretty smart for him to make that move using that law to support him. I'm sure ...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Stranger moves into foreclosed home...
Replies: 4
Views: 896

Re: Dubai Music Scene

Sorry, I don't know much about the Dubai music scene. I always saw non-UAE bands that came to put on concerts.
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Dubai Music Scene
Replies: 21
Views: 36201

Re: Jewish Terror

The reference for nobody came from your post before mine. "As nobody had a problem with DDS' and Shafque's denigrating language..." I did not intend it as meaning that you are a nobody in the insulting sense. Ah, the technique of deflecting by pointing to someone else and changing the subj...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Jewish Terror

And many wish that some would use a foe list to begin with. For example, you could have had Shaf, Chocs and myself on yours a long time ago and spared us all the insults about our intelligence, presence of mental or personality disorders etc. Those who think they are too good for a foe list clearly ...
by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

by kanelli
Jul 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Jewish Terror

If you people too good for a foe list can handle what people say, they why are you insulting people when you get upset? If you don't read it, you don't get upset... that's the beauty of a foe list. For people encouraging others to have the guts and tolerance to read what others post you sure do get ...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jewish Terror
Replies: 125
Views: 8214

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

I love the light hearted banter between men and women,and the innocent sexual inuendo,just a pity its all going out of the window,i guess that once women figure out that not all men want to bone them and some just want a good crack (pardon the pun),we could all get on a lot better,seems the more ad...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject

First off, you TS, are a hypocrite. You're dedicating this thread to people who spread hate towards Islam, yet the entire thread is very obviously completely apathetic about whether or not the man who shot him should be killed (which kinda defeats your whole "Muzlumz r naice", don't you t...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection
Replies: 28
Views: 2239

Re: Be Careful What You Write - Fine For FB Insults

Exactly, MJ could have simply messaged EG and stated that her FB status could be viewed as offensive by her Muslims friends and just left it at that. What more is there to gain beyond informing her that it came across as insensitive? She could have hoped that her friend would remove the FB status, a...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Be careful what you write - fine for FB insults
Replies: 43
Views: 3309

Re: Muslim Victim Tries To Spare Attacker From Lethal Inject

Instead of using TS or OP, how about using their name? :D I'm a hypocrite to post this thread as proof to the Islamophobes on this forum that Islam is a not a religion of hate and violence, contrary to their biased views? Then you say, "doesn't anyone else find it annoying how nice muslims are ...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim victim tries to spare attacker from lethal injection
Replies: 28
Views: 2239

Canada to revoke citizenship of 1,800 citizens

Ottawa intends to revoke the citizenship of 1,800 people it believes obtained their status through fraudulent means, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says. The decision to revoke citizenship is rare, and a large-scale crackdown such as this one appears to be unprecedented. Fewer than 70 citizenshi...
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canada to revoke citizenship of 1,800 citizens
Replies: 7
Views: 1248

Re: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?

busa wrote:Clearly young lady you have never seen me in the flesh,as this would render your statement invalid. :lol:

If you look exactly like Alexander Skarsgard I'd be tempted! :wink:
by kanelli
Jul 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where Have All The Gentlemen Gone?
Replies: 46
Views: 4441

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