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Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

Some commenters on the article pointed out that public schools segregate the boys and girls bathrooms, so segregation is acceptable. When I lived in university residence I chose to live in a co-ed hall because I like the dynamic of men and women living together. I didn't realize that the bathrooms w...
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Women Barred From Economic Conference

Religion historically and even today is mostly run by men, so it isn't surprising that women get the crappy end of the stick so often. :)
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Women barred from Economic Conference
Replies: 19
Views: 1378

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

Sorry Shaf, the harm has been explicitly stated but you just don't accept it. Quite puzzling.

Maybe you can answer what the harm of students praying after school hours on Fridays (and paying to use the facilities like the ballet people do ;)), or better yet, praying on Saturdays at the mosque is?
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Balletophobia

Let's compare the ballet class and religious service. Ballet - offered outside of school time - anyone can attend - premises are rented by ballet teacher and his/her students - boys and girls may sit out if they have an injury or don't feel well enough to participate in ballet - other sports and act...
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Balletophobia
Replies: 25
Views: 1217

Re: Balletophobia

Shaf, it IS a violation of separation of religion and state. You seem to be supporting special treatment for Muslims which is not afforded to other religious groups. You still haven't answered the question about what the harm is for Muslim kids to pray after school hours (after 3:30 pm) on Friday wh...
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Balletophobia
Replies: 25
Views: 1217

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

So having multiple religions holding religious services during school hours on public school premises is not infringing on the rule of separation of religion and state? Maybe there shouldn't be any churches, mosques, synagogues or temples - everyone can just use their local public school for free :)
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Balletophobia

Is there a real benefit for Christians to pray on Sundays? Sunday is a work day in the Muslim world and Christians often can't attend a typical 9 am Sunday church service so they have to make alternative arrangements. I don't think they will go to hell for that. They are simply needing to adjust for...
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Balletophobia
Replies: 25
Views: 1217

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

Shaf, you just don't get it. Again, if you want to compare ballet and Islamic religious service see the other thread. They aren't the same. OK, how about if all schools were supposed to be dance-free places. The schools evolved to remove all dance from school practices and curricula. Then one group ...
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Balletophobia

Shaf, I really think you are being evasive. We ARE talking about principles here. The Muslim students are benefiting by getting special treatment that other students of other religions don't get. The group is using the premises for free, during school hours, using school resources. Public schools st...
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Balletophobia
Replies: 25
Views: 1217

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

I definitely look forward to seeing what the lawyers have to say.
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Balletophobia

Yes, of course we can :)
by kanelli
Jul 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Balletophobia
Replies: 25
Views: 1217

Re: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?

"We understand this is a very sensitive issue for many, and that there will continue to be differing opinions among members of our communities. However, we believe it is the willingness to have courageous conversations like these that has made Canada the diverse yet cohesive society (it is).&q...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: US Muslim Women Seek End To Gender Apartheid In Mosques

Clearly the converts from Western countries that grew up with more gender equality are going to be the ones to pave the way for less discrimination. Good for them!
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Muslim women seek end to gender apartheid in Mosques
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: Hello Boys And Girls Of DF Land!!!!

I wish you a speedy recovery Tom Jones!
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hello Boys and Girls of DF Land!!!!
Replies: 15
Views: 2173

Re: US Muslim Women Seek End To Gender Apartheid In Mosques

Well, it would help if Muslim men would take a look at their views on women and make a change within themselves. The oppression and bias can't last if the men were more enlightened. It means nothing to give lip service to equality when holding views that the nature of women is so completely differen...
by kanelli
Jul 17, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Muslim women seek end to gender apartheid in Mosques
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

So the majority of the Muslim kids took time off of school to go to mosque, but never did, or did but never came back to school for the rest of the classes? I'm sure their parents must have been pleased with that. How wonderful for them that the public school system is available to round up their ki...
by kanelli
Jul 17, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?

What's that sound? Is it goal posts moving? :D But let me humour you - no, I don't see any problem at all in other groups being given the same rights - giving the a place for 40 min of worship once a week at lunchtime. I think overall it would be a good thing for each group to worship/meditate acco...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: US Muslim Women Seek End To Gender Apartheid In Mosques

I certainly wouldn't attend mosque if I was relegated to praying behind curtains, or in another room or basement while the men prayed in a beautiful mosque hall. In fact, if God says this should be so, I wouldn't be able to believe in such a God any longer...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Muslim women seek end to gender apartheid in Mosques
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

Why would a country want to ban mosques when the vast majority of the followers are not a problem in society? Many Islamic terrorists fall out from their mosque or are kicked out because of their extreme views, so why is the congregation held accountable for that wingnut's actions? If the small numb...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Republican backs right to ban mosques
Replies: 19
Views: 2192

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

I think anyone proposing a bill that - women who miscarry or have an abortion should be jailed for life or given the death penalty - abortion doctors can legally be killed is a mentally unstable religious fanatic. That's called attempted legislation of religious terrorism against women and medical p...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: Freed After Rap

What a terrible story. I think both the boys and girls should get house arrest with those ankle alarms! Keep them out of trouble and thinking about what they did for a while! It is not appropriate for six boys to go to a park to have se.x with two girls who may very well be lying about their age. I ...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: freed after rap
Replies: 35
Views: 2958

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

Yes, if anyone thinks those bills are a good idea, they must be misogynistic religious extremists.
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: Canadian Public School Turned Into House Of Worship?

Shaf, the reason is that the majority of Manitoba is Christian and a one-minute prayer in the morning announcements simply doesn't seem to bother people. It is just a routine that has little to no meaning for most students. I personally think it shouldn't be said anymore because it does violate the ...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Canadian public school turned into house of worship?
Replies: 125
Views: 8213

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

Abortion is not legal in the UAE because of religion. What is the penalty for a woman who miscarries or has an abortion? What is the penalty for doctors who perform abortions? If the UAE has similar laws to the one ones proposed in the US, does it mean that it is right for the US to agree to such le...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

Ok, I'll try to find the links for those terrorists who left their mosques or were kicked out. The guy who blew himself up in Stockholm this year was one... Now, how about the extremists doing bizarre things from the churches across the US? Why shouldn't churches also be banned (especially Catholic ...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Republican backs right to ban mosques
Replies: 19
Views: 2192

Re: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty For Abortions

I suspect that whipping during fornication is more FD's style :D-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:05 am -- What is the penalty for a woman who miscarries or has an abortion? What is the penalty for doctors who perform abortions? Read the comments section in both articles. Needless to say the authors in both ne...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Proposed Georgia Law: Death Penalty for Abortions
Replies: 46
Views: 3195

Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

I would say that burning the Quran is inciting hatred, which is dangerous. Actually, I was thinking of the huge scandal about Catholic priests se.xually abusing little boys and girls for decades and then covering it up. In fact, the Catholic Church worldwide has seen massive s.ex abuse scandals, not...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Republican backs right to ban mosques
Replies: 19
Views: 2192

Re: I Know It's Sunday, But..

The threads are by dattaswami who is not Muslim but Buddhist. Every once in a while he comes on here to spam the forum with religious ramblings. Of course, because Ramadan is coming he is on here trying tell why one should NOT fast. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan he was on here writing ab...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I Know It's Sunday, but..
Replies: 19
Views: 1846

Re: US Muslim Women Seek End To Gender Apartheid In Mosques

Guys, did you read the article? The mosque facilities and diving of the spaces is not the same everywhere. Of course I know that many mosques have a great space for everyone to use, but why are some mosques relegating women to crappy spaces to pray?
by kanelli
Jul 19, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Muslim women seek end to gender apartheid in Mosques
Replies: 11
Views: 1801

Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

Come on! It seem to me that one has a higher chance of having their child molested by a priest than suffering a terrorist attack from a crazy Muslim.
by kanelli
Jul 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Republican backs right to ban mosques
Replies: 19
Views: 2192

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