Interesting story that a father hires prostitutes and that his daughter became one. I don't know what his problem is, if he feels entitled to hire a prostitute and respects their profession... Prostitutes are someone's mother, daughter, sister etc. ;) How about some incest -
Going back to the bible and pulling out how things were done during that time would also be ridiculous. In my opinion, religion and cultural practices are so intertwined that no one can down to the bottom of what God really wanted and what was actually being practiced in those times and what is prac...
If you want to discuss how the West chooses the countries to help, you can start a new thread. This thread is about Libyan military personnel raping Libyan women. Any comment on that?
I don't know of anyone who has had a laptop examined beyond the wand swipe to check for explosives, or to turn it on. Having the laptop completely confiscated for days sounds bizarre! Business travellers need their laptops, so I'm not sure why authorities would start confiscating them!
I think that eventually there will be far fewer whites, but who cares? Having a homeland has nothing to do with your physical appearance - in the future the language and dress will likely be the only way to tell where people come from. Even if that becomes more homogenous I think it wouldn't be a ba...
I've heard the whole Justin Bieber album now and it isn't that bad at all. Typical teen pop. I don't know why people whinge about JB when the kid can actually sing and dance, compared to the laughable stuff put out by those without talent like Paris Hilton and the young girl with the Friday song tha...
All the camera footage will be excellent for exposing what is really happening, and helping to identify perpetrators and victims. Still, it is so ing and sad that these horrible things are happening to the civilians
The West will fall one day because of economics and politics, not about whiteness of skin, size of brain, or fast or slow twitch muscles. The same has happened for other civilizations. Every group of people has had their achievements and ability to survive in their environments or they would not hav...
I'd like to see the day when someone on DF can post an intelligent response. We all just like to stand back and watch you fluffing your feathers in arrogance. -- Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:11 am -- The West will fall one day because of economics and politics, not about whiteness of skin, size of brain, or ...
I agree with this comment - "I guess it won't be long before we put anyone under the age of 12 in the cargo with animals. Seems thats how a lot of people think of children. I've had to put up with a lot of arrogant, inconsiderate adults on flights who can stink and complain just as loud as any ...
Herve, did you mistakenly think this thread was about Arabs outnumbering whites? So what if "Arabs" suffer from more genetic conditions because of marrying family members. It has nothing to do with the fact that whites are having less children than non-whites, and non-whites and whites int...
I grew up around different sects of Christianity teaching in their Sunday school and bible groups how all the other sects and other religions are wrong and people will go to hell. Many American schools will not teach evolution. In my high school, evolution was the last topic on the biology syllabus,...
But this thread is about whites in general - as in white skin and related attributes like lighter hair and eye colours. It isn't speaking specifically about certain ethnic, religious or whatever groups.
I said that non-whites are having more babies than whites - in general. I did not specify Arabs. I completely understand that those inbreeding within their close family will destroy their genetic pool and it can result in genetic disorders that produce shorter life spans and reproductive problems in...
We are talking about physical characteristics here people. Is there such a thing as Israeli blue eyes compared to Swedish blue eyes? How about Arab brown eyes compared to Asian brown eyes? Catholic olive skin compared to Muslim olive skin? Canadian white skin compared to Russian white skin?
So EH, your superior knowledge of evolution has led you to the conclusion that white physical features will not eventually be found in a minority of people in the future? If you are going to shoot your mouth off about my "uninformed" opinion in that thread, you should back it up with a det...
"In 2004, the Centre for Arab Genomic Studies initiated a pilot project to construct the "Catalogue for Transmission Genetics in Arabs" (CTGA) database for genetic disorders in Arab populations. At present, the CTGA database, centrally maintained in Dubai, hosts entries for nearly 136...
Yeah, it is right. We are middle-class folk who would rather spend a few "extra" thousand on saving for retirement or kids university tuition fees rather than buying first class air tickets to travel around.
First of all, it isn't rubbish to remind people that they were all babies and children once. What is rubbish is you saying that parents think their kids crying and acting up is cute. No parent thinks that behaviour is cute. The majority of parents do their best to entertain and look after their kids...
So basically, you can't explain it. Look, all Arab people and those with Arab ancestry of any sort would have to live in an isolated area and everyone would need to be marrying and reproducing with their first cousins for a long time in order to create a smaller gene pool that could destroy the Arab...