Related, here is a story about radicalism at universities and how the govt is saying that universities are being complacent about Islamist extremism. I think it is fair to tackle the problem, especially if highly educated students seem to be at a higher risk of ...
Zubber, you know nothing of their circumstances, and the fact that they can be arrested for having a baby out of wedlock is ridiculous and contributes greatly to the problem. Your "suggestion" is barbaric and further shows your misogynistic attitude.
Ok, let's get explicit and honest statements from Shaf, because FD thinks he is hiding his true feelings. In Fight Club FD claimed that you are anti-Semitic and a terrorist in a suit. Shaf, are you anti-Semitic? Do you wish all the Jews were wiped out? Do you support child suicide bombings, the kill...
Thanks for answering Shaf. It is exactly what I thought after reading your posts over the past years. If some posters were in doubt about something you said in a thread they could have asked for clarification, but they seem to prefer to read their own interpretations into some of your posts.
Dillon, it was Flying Dutchman who made inflammatory remarks, and then I was criticized and called biased for saying that the examples that FD posted to support his views on Shaf were interpreted incorrectly. It is very useful for Shaf to explicitly state his views so that he doesn't have to be accu...
Yes Dillon, you are perfectly capable of developing your own biased version of events, clearly. So if I can clarify, you think that Shaf is lying about his answers above based on his previous posts in the forum? How is it then that I have not interpreted his posts in the same way (besides the white ...
That is warped symmetric. There is a way for people to live peacefully without more death, but it requires sacrifice and compromise from both sides. To say it is a matter of one side wiping one out before the other gets a chance is just ridiculous. It is pure hatred talking, and you clearly need som...
symmetric, you are frightening. I've met plenty of people from the ME who are upset about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but have never met anyone who gave the opinion that Israel and Jews should be wiped out. Can you really claim to speak for the majority of the ME? I doubt it. If you can develop s...
S3Xed. and birth control have done ABSOLUTELY nothing to solve any problem, Infact they have only aggravated the problem encouraging more promiscuous behavior, the rise in STD"s, lack of responsibility for action and more violent s3x crimes. Women are now free to be as promiscuous as men, beca...
Kanelli, I hear you. I'm not saying this to personally attack anyone in person, nor I am exaggerating with my views. Coward. That's the beauty of an internet forum, you can spout those hateful words and feel like you aren't doing harm. Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself what would happen if you ever...
Zubber, supply and demand... Men like to buy s.ex and p.orn, that's why there is a market for it.
From all that you post I think the blame comes down squarely on the men. Let's cover them up and keep them in the house, because clearly they degrade our society.
Bushra, there have been new additions to the forum who have been stirring up people, bringing out the worst in some cases. I've found Shaf to be reasonable and open to discussion. It is those people trying to post anti-Islam propaganda, bogus stats, and use illogical comparisons that have the most p...
The moral decay stems from men. They objectify and treat women as s.ex objects, then slander and try to control women when they express any kind of s.exuality, be it for their private relationships or for business. Men want the beauty and s.ex from women, but then look negatively on them when they g...
Yes, I made the sweeping statement to see the reaction I would get from zubber but you guys commented first. Honestly, I think that women also contribute to moral decay - everyone in a society does when they begin to accept certain behaviour as the norm. Of course it is controversial to talk about w...
None of those examples are about me, they are examples I've seen or heard from friends.-- Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:41 am --If you'd like some examples from my high school, how about these; In order to get to my French class I had to walk through a narrow hallway. There was always a large group of boys si...
I actually agree with what Dillon said above except for the last part. I think that the West has become quite anti-Muslim thanks to the Islamic terrorists and fear-mongering by the conservatives who try to paint all of Islam as extreme. If citizens from ME countries formed an army to wipe out Israel...
Sometimes I imagine Planet Earth in the year 2225, say, or there-abouts. The world has changed. Several countries have disappeared from the face of the earth; and some new ones have come to play their part on the stage. The Soviet Union was only the first one to implode under the weight of its Weap...