So, the Islamophobes are having a go at the UK police force for upholding the law. :roll: But hey, Islamophobes will of course support those who incite hatred against Muslims - it would be perverse if they criticised bigots who shared their views - even if it means bad-mouthing the UK police. You s...
Sounds nice DD! I'm glad that all has worked out smoothly. Enjoy the farewell party, some quality TV, but more importantly some nice Valentine's romance with Mrs. DD
Unfortunately my best friend and I have pretty much parted ways after about 20 years. We met at a restaurant we both worked at years ago, and were tight ever since, even with all my travels and time away, we always picked up where we left off. He did not support my move to Dubai and utterly refused...
The initial impression is what fantastic idea and a way to 100% get the attacker for rape. However, that kind of contraption has limited possibilities because women will not want to wear that all the time, and they can also be misused by vengeful women. In the case of random rape on the street, I ca...
Customer service sucks in Singapore too, especially if it is young locals doing the job. They have no clue about the products they are selling and cannot understand simple questions. Like Dubai, many companies don't give much (or any!) staff training. This isn't retail related, but a good example of...
So, after Tunisia and Egypt we have had protests in Iran, Bahrain and now Libya. Do you think this is going to fizzle out or are we looking at a possible Middle East revolution?
Talk about a serious gang bang 200 ! I think a mention in the Guiness book of records is not out of order When you hit "Submit" did you have any doubts about how inappropriate those comments are? Close your eyes and imagine if that was your wife, mother, or sister in that reporter's shoes...
At the end of the day one has to wonder what on earth was a woman doing there in the first place. Simply stupid. Whoever was responsible for this i.e her editors, CBS etc must all be sued. As the nazis once said, Gallantry forbids one to give women an opportunity of putting themselves in situations...
It is a very strange story and I think the biggest lesson is....don't involve the police unless its really necessary. Wise words Joe. I didn't think the dubai justice system could possibly turn this story around, but they have succeeded. The police went to great lengths to set-up a sting to catch t...
Of course, because it all relates back to political and military strategy, as well as resources - namely oil. Was watching the news about Bahrain this morning and can see that the US has to tread lightly as they have a military base there and lots of oil trade with Bahrain. Clearly we can see that d...
This has turned into quite an inquisition for BM. Why does she have to explain ANYTHING that she does? She can like anything or anyone; she might like one nationality, and not another. Indeed, she might like some people of a particular Nationality, and not others. In other threads I have seen peopl...
Ahh, too funny. If everyone on DF turned on me, and that was a handful of people, then that doesn't say much for the size of the population of DF. Believe me, I have no wounds to lick. I don't expect anyone to like a goody two-shoes (who cusses sometimes!) and I could care less what people like you ...
In Emirati culture the "good" girls that you marry don't date and are preferably Emirati or someone from another Arab Muslim group. I can guarantee you that none of these Mohammeds just have non-alcoholic juice and views of the marina on their minds when they go out to see two British girl...
While I prefer that people know about and can see the atrocities for themselves so that nothing is hidden and those guilty cannot get away free because of lack of evidence, I do have a hard time watching anything like that because I'm sensitive to violence. I don't watch horror movies and can feel d...
My mom and dad always trusted me 100%, but that doesn't mean that bad things can't happen. I used to live in cottage country in my province and I remember one summer when I was 13 I was out fishing on the bottom footings of a bridge with my young step-brother. Two older teenage boys who were on holi...
I'm going to sit with a mixed nationality group of friends from my condo and watch it after we all get the kids to bed. Any excuse to get together for drinks and nibbles is fine with us!
Of course we do wish the royal couple all the best too!