I'm tempted to accept the idea of capital punishment in cases like serial killers who are total psychopaths, proven by psychologists, lots of forensic evidence, eyewitness confirmation, confession. If it is a completely proven case then it seems like a logical punishment so that those psychopaths do...
Marcie Moriarty, the head of the BC SPCA cruelty investigations division, said she had no sympathy for the man. "I've no doubt he has suffered posttraumatic stress, but there's a thing called choice. I absolutely would not have done this and he could have said no, this is a Criminal Code offenc...
Enjoying the lush tropical greenery while there is cool temps and lots of breeze! It won't stay like this for much longer - back to hot and humid temps soon.
http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/TechandScience/Story/STIStory_631518.html ------------------------------------------- They found that the total number of years the children's mothers worked had a cumulative influence on their children's body mass index (BMI) - the weight to height ratio use...
Or it could be used as justification to have a slave, err maid do everything. So if a wife does it all after her full-time work hours she isn't a slave. If you hire a maid to do it for a monthly salary it is slavery. :lol:-- Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:14 am --The researchers should survey a large populati...
What about U2, The Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, REM, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Veruca Salt, Hole, No Doubt, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stone Temple Pilots, Gorillaz etc.
Kanelli, I just checked "Who is Online" and saw that DDS was writing a PM. Should I worry??? :shock: :shock: LOOOL so paranoid that you actually do that, I didn't even know DF had that function ! and Yes BB be afraid, be very AFRAID !!!! http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/19....
Er guys...and girls... TAKE A CHILL PILL! This is just a Forum. Too much bitching and back biting. Too many people taking too many things too seriously. Did I put enough 'too's' in there? If someone irritates you, you have the option to click the button marked 'Logout'. Peace. 8) 8) 8) Knight I thi...