Just a gigolo everywhere I go people know the part I'm playing Paid for every dance selling each romance every night some heart betraying There will come a day youth will pass away then what will they say about me When the end comes I know they'll say just a gigolo as life goes on without me 'Cause ...
Ahh, sort of reminds me of getting my drivers license in Dubai (started from scratch!), and reminds of my husband getting our firstborn's birth certificates (Arabic and English) sorted. "Go here go there - stamp stamp signature pay money, go to another building, stamp stamp signature, pay more ...
Let's put it this way, it only took me 3 months, but the quality of instruction and actual driving time did not make me feel like I was a well-trained driver. Even though I got my license I still practiced in the neighbourhood for a while or took turns with hubby when driving on back roads. After an...
Ok, this isn't about romance in Dubai, but it is certainly an amazing story of romance. I like to watch American Idol and a man named Chris Medina was auditioning... Here is the audition and his story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elaXeN15isM Here is the song he wrote for his fiance, posted on the...
I think he deserves different treatment. However, the fact that he didn't have a problem with killing his pregnant step-mom because he wasn't happy about her and a new baby indicates that he definitely has something wrong with him. Maybe he is a psychopath or sociopath? He should be in a juvenile fa...
Come on, I bet you cried watching that...no? A big lump in the throat? How wonderful that he honours "in sickness and in health". Still, he's so young and I wonder what his future will hold.
There is no way that the army will turn on the people - I imagine they hold the same sympathies... Mubarak will not be able to hold on and he looks completely foolish with his speech and his dismissal of the cabinet. "Out Mubarak" is a pretty clear message but he doesn't seem to get it!
That's what I mean, it seems that the army has been very peaceful with civilians so far (at least those not looting or destroying important items/buildings). I really have my doubts that they will suddenly turn. The police are the ones reported to have been the most unpredictable and most violent wi...
A new report forecasts that the number of Muslims around the world will grow over the next 20 years at twice the rate of non-Muslims, but that the rapid growth will level off. With more Muslim women getting educations and jobs, people migrating to cities, and living standards improving, the report s...
Have you seen this going around Facebook "If you know anyone in Egypt, please pass this on to them. To bypass government blocking of websites, use numerical IP addresses: Twitter ”” Fb ”” Google ””. A French ISP offers free dial up internet access ~ +33 1 ...
A pitiful excuse. Here is an interesting comment from a reader of the article. "Thats some of it,but amongst other truths are the fact that these guys dont have the social skills or confidence to interact with young adult white women hence looking for vunerable and naive prey.Their culture is a...
Here is an example of why the death penalty should not exist. A 20 yr old Taiwanese soldier was charged and convicted of killing a 5 year old girl and executed in 2007. Now the Taiwanese authorities have a man in custody who says he did it and even confessed to doing it two months before they arrest...
Who is the most deserving of food donations? In my mind, the beliefs of the person have very little to do with how hungry and deserving they are. My main criterion would be: How hungry/poor are they? (when the last time they ate etc) Discriminating based on what I thought they believed in would les...
Every parent advises their children not accept candy from strangers, in the case of young women it would mean - Dont accept rides/drugs/alochol/invitations of whatever from people you dont know. This is the basic teaching given from the home. Predatory nature of people will never go away, such a pr...