Zubber, during "historical" times, there was no such thing as "reconciling differences" - it was called being trapped and being at the mercy of another person for all things provided as well as doing what everyone around you expected you to do - which was to eat sh*t and like it...
Mel, the religious texts may say a woman is equally entitled, but the reality is that if she is completely financially depended on the husband as was the case in those days she is less likely to ask for divorce than the man - so there is a disproportionately high number of men asking than women. The...
Yes, it does. That doesn't negate the fact that is also applies to Muslim societies who have claimed that women have more rights in Islam than Christianity, but what is really done in practice?
But berrin, you just said that women have to get the approval of their husband to divorce... Isn't that exactly what Mel is talking about? Men can just divorce while women have to jump through many hoops to do so.
After I followed zubber's advice for getting rid of unwanted images I can now read this forum better minus ads etc. My PC is dying and I'm getting a Mac next!
You all need lessons in objective discussion. Many western societies fail to see the immense damage the feminist movement has caused , you are all focusing only on one side of the equation, refer back to my post about all the ills of society , then if you have an answer to them we can continue the ...
Yes, I heard the boss word and shuddered. I think the man and woman are both bosses and should take turns being boss depending on their knowledge, interest, talent, or time for the issue. Saying the man is boss by default is archaic and unjust.
Destruction of the family unit by not staying with husbands they are not compatible with, who do not treat them properly, who mentally or physically abuse them or the children, who have affairs - yeah, sounds terrible that a woman realizes her value and shows her kids that no one should be mistreate...
Bora^2 , The chart reflects the total number of divorces ( where the initiating party is not indicated ), the only stat report that does indicate the initiating party mentioned in my orginal post. However you have raised good questions that require further investigation , Why investigate, you'll ju...
zubber, has it occurred to you that many of us women posting have looked into it. I've had entire university courses on feminist topics. Perhaps you are the one needing to look into the history of women and discussions in feminism before you come and make statements like feminists cause divorce and ...
Zubber, read your post again and then read Dillon's. You posted those stats and said "The number of white $ex Offenders is 76.3 % More than Asian $ex Offenders" and "The offenses commited by White's is significantly greater against both minors and adults as compared to the offenses co...
A false idea propagated by the feminists? You have a lot of balls to say that. Completely baseless. Yes feminists aka BraBuners aka ManHaters aka Those who wish that MEN SHOULD HAVE UTERUS'S, the feminist idea is rooted in complete madness , they and the other sexual revolutionists have only contri...
Lots of problems here - se.x education, lack of responsibility for contraceptive use, openness about se.x with parents, UAE laws that punish people for creating children out of wedlock, psychological issues, immaturity when dealing with the situation, lack of parental attention... I feel sorry for e...
If one doesn't like people focusing on the fact that the guys doing the street grooming are brown one shouldn't imply that white girls were the target because they are easier to get into bed than girls of other colours. Maybe the brown guys respect their fellow brown girls so would never attempt to ...
Shaf, you are way off on this one. The shooter was clearly mentally ill. This has nothing to do with religion! Check out his videos on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/Classitup10
Miscarried a fetus, or gave birth to a live baby? Sounds weird to be able to go dancing right after giving birth, but it would be possible after an early miscarriage. Men can be much more harsh about this because they aren't the ones who face carrying a pregnancy of an unwanted child. Men can run aw...
That is such a crappy article and it is not a presentation of the actual CDC study - primary versus secondary sources Mr. Zubber tsk tsk! Divorce is huge for kids, it really sucks, is very painful - been there, done that, got the t-shirt. However, can I imagine my parents still being together? No. I...