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Re: If You Can Prove Any Paranormal Activity, $1M Awaits You

Is that an invitation then? I'm off to get my little elf suit! :lol:
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: If you can prove any paranormal activity, $1M awaits you!!
Replies: 27
Views: 3038

Re: Virginity In Emiratis

So true melika!
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Virginity in Emiratis
Replies: 119
Views: 23522

Re: Anyone Else...

No, it is milky chai with frothy milk on top :)
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone else...
Replies: 61
Views: 3272

Re: The 4 Holy Books

by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The 4 Holy Books
Replies: 16
Views: 2915

Re: Virginity In Emiratis

I do get confused about what is cultural and what is religious and the mixing of the two according to interpretation...
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Virginity in Emiratis
Replies: 119
Views: 23522

Re: Virginity In Emiratis

Yes, and what a problem when 50% of the population don't appreciate it... :)
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Virginity in Emiratis
Replies: 119
Views: 23522

Re: Anyone Else...

Yes, they are serving a small menu of teas usually, and some are turned into drink with coffee-style preparation.
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone else...
Replies: 61
Views: 3272

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I'm sorry, did you say your data? You are viewing and reading second-hand info from the video and internet compiled by people who may or may not be experts in the subjects. Suddenly you are an expert? I'm not out of logical arguments, and there is plenty of support for my arguments which I'm sure yo...
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: The Masons

When I've been at conferences or social networking events I say please and thank you to the food and drink staff, but I don't make conversation. I have plenty of conversation to make with those in the group I am there to meet with.
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Masons
Replies: 18
Views: 1564

Re: 9/11 B.S.

"A few extremist Mulsims hijacked 4 planes, managed to run two of them in to the world trade center because of which both of them collapsed and that world trade center tower 7 was damaged by debris and later fell itself. And that another plane also was flown into the pentagon and one crash land...
by kanelli
Dec 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

It is utterly ridiculous to compare the Beijing Cultural Center to the World Trade Center towers. Its like comparing apples to oranges.
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: More Views From BM's Window

In Canada our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners look pretty much the same :)
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: More Views From BM's Window
Replies: 56
Views: 4813

Re: Female Attraction Switches

Sounds so bloody complicated!
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Female Attraction Switches
Replies: 7
Views: 2186

Re: What Really Drives Suicide Terrorists

Interesting! Turns some of my previously held ideas of the backgrounds of some the terrorists on its head... In the case of the bomber in Sweden, he was confronted in the Luton Mosque for having a distorted view of Islam and he never returned. I have more questions about the profiles of these terror...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: What really drives suicide terrorists
Replies: 32
Views: 3563

Re: 9/11 B.S.

It is utterly ridiculous to compare the Beijing Cultural Center to the World Trade Center towers. Its like comparing apples to oranges. As usual, you select one small point and comment on it, but fail to answer the question. What, do you mean the irrelevant question of why the twin towers collapsed...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

Icenic, examples like that are exactly why I can't take the conspiracy theorists seriously. They pick out what they think is odd, come up with elaborate explanations, twist other information involved to support their theories, and compare apples to oranges. It isn't hard for them to drum up support ...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

p.s. The fact that you think it isn't irrelevant to compare the destruction of the Beijing Cultural Center to the World Trade Center towers tells a lot... I asked you why it's irrelevant. I didn't say I thought it wasn't. -- Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:24 am -- One Meridian Plaza is a 38-floor skyscraper i...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I have previously had a taste of truther propaganda and my personal judgment says it is bullcr.ap. I have no interest in wading deep into it to answer Icenic's specific questions. I'm fully within my rights to state that I am anti-conspiracy theory in the case of 9/11 and give some basic reasons why...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I want to have my cake and eat it too? Seriously DDS, that is a pretty lame attempt at winding me up. If you have decided that I don't put up a reasonable discussion here, what is stopping you from chewing the fat with Icenic over this issue and ignoring my posts? The fact that you two have very lit...
by kanelli
Dec 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

Insulting? Think about all the witnesses who stated what they saw only for the conspiracy theorists to come along and accuse them of lying as part of a government conspiracy. That's pretty insulting. Some of you seem pretty accepting of explanations of 9/11 that no decent scientist would ever accept...
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: Wednesday 15th December

Happy birthday!
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Wednesday 15th December
Replies: 32
Views: 3257

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I'll just sit back and let you experts explain your in-depth knowledge about US aviation, architecture, engineering, physics, US government, world politics etc. to educate us on how all aspects of 9/11 were a huge US government conspiracy. :)
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I think the comparison that denying the official events of 9/11 and denying the official events of the holocaust are similar - each has a huge volume of evidence supporting the official events but there are still those out there finding any scrap of info to turn into evidence of a conspiracy saying ...
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: More Views From BM's Window

Prunes wrapped in bacon are fantastic! Parsnips in maple syrup sound great, but haven't tried that yet.

Baked shredded beetroot with cream and blue cheese - yum!
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: More Views From BM's Window
Replies: 56
Views: 4813

Re: 9/11 B.S.

JoeTGF, read my post again and don't confuse my point with melikas.
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

Re: Guilt By Association (spun Off The 9/11 Thread )

My point is that it is equally foolish to believe 9/11 conspiracy theories as it is to believe the no holocaust theories in light of the credible evidence present for the events. Am I off the hook? :)
by kanelli
Dec 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Guilt by Association (spun off the 9/11 thread )
Replies: 25
Views: 1619

Re: Time For DDS's Bloody Signature To Go. Vote Here!!

I didn't want to wait and used zubber's info on the plugins to be able to remove the ads and selected images from websites. Very useful!
by kanelli
Dec 16, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Time For DDS's Bloody Signature To Go. Vote Here!!
Replies: 71
Views: 6373

Re: Time Person Of The Year 2010

Just today on another forum I visit, a wife choose FB over her husband and left him. I personaly know of a woman who almost killed her few month old baby because of neglect playing farmville on FB all the time, if her brother, my good friend hadn't stepped in. In another country she would be charge...
by kanelli
Dec 16, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Time person of the year 2010
Replies: 20
Views: 1438

Re: Time For DDS's Bloody Signature To Go. Vote Here!!

Yes, it works.
by kanelli
Dec 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Time For DDS's Bloody Signature To Go. Vote Here!!
Replies: 71
Views: 6373

Re: 9/11 B.S.

I think the government used CIA agents in invisible cloaks and invisible tanks to knock down the light poles and then they moved that guy's taxi and took the staged picture. Then the ground opened up and they used their secret mind-wiping device to zap people's brains so they forget the missile they...
by kanelli
Dec 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 9/11 B.S.
Replies: 327
Views: 24002

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