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Poll underlines sharp divide on religion

Wow, check out this article. A big difference in the views on whether religion is a force of positive or negative effect in our world. For people who still think Canadians and Americans are basically the same - please note the difference in this poll. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/11/26/religi...
by kanelli
Nov 27, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Poll underlines sharp divide on religion
Replies: 5
Views: 1381

Re: Poll Underlines Sharp Divide On Religion

Well, I can say I'd rather live in Sweden than Saudi. They seem to have a pretty decent society there for having a lack of religious observance.
by kanelli
Nov 27, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Poll underlines sharp divide on religion
Replies: 5
Views: 1381

Re: Does God Speak To You? Or You?

When I was a child I used to pray. I tried again in teen years. No spiritual revelations or communication from God.
by kanelli
Nov 28, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Does God speak to you? or you?
Replies: 19
Views: 2163

Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve

rudeboy, you have got to be kidding.

I'd like the proof that Herve had sold faulty subs to Puerto Rico.
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Escape From Dubai-by Herve
Replies: 346
Views: 30496

Re: Cheaters

I'd choose another option... Ask if I can have someone on the side too! :D
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Cheaters
Replies: 55
Views: 14609

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Nothing wrong with taking kids to a resort, but they should be looked after by babysitters in the room with room service ordered, not running loose until late at night in the common areas and nice restaurants with romantic evening dining. If people want to complain about kids in the pools and common...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Re: WikiLeaks

I still don't know what to think about this. Of course it is embarrassing for government officials around the world to be reading what US diplomats have been saying behind their backs, but as has been admitted by some of those officials, they do the same about the US. When I read about some of the M...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: WikiLeaks
Replies: 27
Views: 2475

Re: Health Officials Want Warnings On Junk Food.

What is nutrition education like in the UAE? In Ontario, by high school, we all knew how to read labels and knew about recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals. We learned about healthy fats and bad fats as well as cholesterol problems and diabetes. Technically we had the knowledge, but mak...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Health officials want warnings on junk food.
Replies: 11
Views: 1932

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Got to love a bunch of childless adults whinging about kids. :(
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Silly to single out Muslims...

Don't want to take another thread off-topic so this is a new thread. Bethsmum said,"...To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them.. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment..., wanting time of to pray ...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Does God Speak To You? Or You?

I feel the same as chocs with the forces of nature and universe and laws of attraction. I only ever get spiritual stirrings when I am out in nature, especially if camping. When I'm temporarily living close to nature, more like how other animals do, can I feel at peace and feel like I belong. The onl...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Does God speak to you? or you?
Replies: 19
Views: 2163

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

They can ask, but it doesn't mean they are going to get all of it. Look at how many women ask for flexibility for maternity, milk pumping and flexible hours, or even a daycare on work premises. Not all of those things are accommodated everywhere, but there is no harm in trying. Do you think women ha...
by kanelli
Nov 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

I still see a lot of bias here from some of you. I have never said that everyone should get more free holiday time than other employees because of their religious holidays - it can come out of their vacation time - the same number of holiday days as everyone else gets. Again, if someone can go and t...
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Sorry K but like I said nobody did me any favours by birthing any kids and don't expect me to be sympathetic or accomodating in that regards aswell. Did you expect people to birth kids to please others? I just can't understand, because my kids are so far my greatest joy in life. Parenting is the ha...
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve

Wow, the plot thickens!

I guess it is pretty clear that uaekid is in contact with employees of Dubai World, or is himself and employee.
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Escape From Dubai-by Herve
Replies: 346
Views: 30496

Re: Silly to single out Muslims...

This isn't the Brit forums, it's not the Canada forums or watever….This is Dubai Forums. As such the question posed by the original poster is not only purely void, but dare I say opportunistic as well? It definitely has no semblance to reality and is purely either wishful thinking or plain ignoranc...
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Gotta love that mother-blaming! Classic.

I don't have anything to add, because there is nothing that could change your mind.

Parenting is very hard and families should just get on with it and do their best, not worry about cranky childless people.
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

zubber wrote:Respect BM, gotta love the way how your taking on everyone in this thread !

She's taking everyone on how, by admitting that she is biased and feels comfortable with that bias? Yeah, I guess she is showing us... :lol:
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Yes it hard and you were aware of it when when you decided you pop out a few rug rats, maybe we should hold a award ceremony or something ? Name a holiday after you or anyone else who did ? And just because it is, how does that become my or anyones else's problem ? And why should I spoil my recreat...
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Re: I'm Not B!tching...

Word BB! :)
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm not b!tching...
Replies: 80
Views: 4766

Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve

uaekid, you can be "carouse" (curious?), but Herve already answered your question a while ago. He isn't running a sub manufacturing business in Florida because he doesn't have the millions of dollars it takes.

So why don't you want to share where you got this Puerto Rico information?
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Escape From Dubai-by Herve
Replies: 346
Views: 30496

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

Here zubber, this is for you while you enjoy the show :happy1:
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

This thread has nothing to do with the previous fray over "threatening pms" from chocs. I started this thread because I was shocked what you wrote in Herve's thread about not hiring Muslims. To discuss that inside Herve's thread would be off-topic, so I started a new one. You think I wante...
by kanelli
Dec 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

I know exactly why I started this thread and it would have been started no matter who posted the original statements. I could care less what you or anyone else thinks about my motives. Some of you can waste your sympathy on BM and her biases, but I feel much more sympathetic to the Muslims who haven...
by kanelli
Dec 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

Tom Jones, did I ever specifically refer to you? You've jumped to your own conclusions. By stating your opinions about hiring bias you are contributing to the discussion, and there isn't anything wrong with that. I can still disagree that we should accept racial and religious bias when hiring based ...
by kanelli
Dec 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

Herve, according to what you just posted the security guards were the ones not to touch the girl, not the ER staff. The security guards have no training in how to treat someone from critical accidents and if they are the last person to touch her and she dies they can be held responsible and have to ...
by kanelli
Dec 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims...

Bethsmum and MCL, like I said, my motive was to discuss the topic of Bethsmum's comments in another thread, not about stirring things up or trying to attack Bethsmum personally. Bethsmum, don't flatter yourself in thinking that I have been waiting here for an opportunity to pounce on you for somethi...
by kanelli
Dec 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

Re: Escape From Dubai-by Herve

High five for viking-warrior! 8)
by kanelli
Dec 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Escape From Dubai-by Herve
Replies: 346
Views: 30496

Re: So I Just Checked My Bank Balance!!!!!!

Sounds fantastic DD! It feels fabulous to be debt free!
by kanelli
Dec 03, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: So I just checked my bank balance!!!!!!
Replies: 14
Views: 2293

Re: Silly to single out Muslims...

Now, If I was to follow your example, I would be jumpimg up and down demanding what this topic is all about. I don't believe I'm arrogant, what is arrogance is you starting a topic with your 'intention' of getting me to see the error of my ways. Yes, it's very easy for you to say move along if you ...
by kanelli
Dec 03, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Silly to single out Muslims...
Replies: 236
Views: 15292

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