That is so to penalize Emirati women who marry foreigners by not allowing the foreign husband and the children to obtain UAE citizenship rights. The children should get it automatically, and the husbands should be able to acquire citizenship if he has lived in the UAE for maybe 5 years and ...
Touche! Still, eh, it is blatantly clear that horrible things are done in the name of Christianity and it does reinforce the point that outliers in any faith can interpret and practice the faith in extreme ways. You keep targeting Islam when there are so many outrageous things happening in the name ...
Give me a break uaekid. Let's face it, no matter what a woman wears, covered or uncovered, she is viewed as a s.ex. object by men. And there was nothing offensive in what DK said about some Emirati women trying to show their beauty or control their own love life. You are the one offended that women ...
Good grief, why does it matter if the person who gave the tip-off was Muslim? Why wouldn't anyone expect a Muslim person to reveal the info if they knew of the plot? Only extremists think all Muslims are out to fight the entire non-Muslim world and it is a given that a Muslim would report the action...
BM, that is utter nonsense. DK posts on all kinds of topics unrelated to s.e.x, and when he does makes a bit of playful s.e.xual banter it is with people he has met and who know how to take the joke. Please explain to me how his description of Emirati women was supposedly "treating them like me...
Bora Bora, my gay friends in Canada wouldn't be offended if called "Queer". In the US and UK there have been shows called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and "Queer as Folk". We are seriously off-topic. Back to the original topic. I am waiting to see more news about th...
"Jabr al-Faifi is reportedly one of several former detainees at the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who were returned to Saudi Arabia for rehabilitation in December 2006. After leaving Guantanamo he went through a rehabilitation programme in Saudi Arabia and then rejoined al-Qaeda ...
So event horizon, why do Muslims make rehabilitation programmes for extremist militants if all Muslims support terrorist goals? You don't suppose that what he saw in al Qaeda in Yemen was turning him off, and that personal reflection during the holy month of Ramadan could have made this man change h...
My mother-in-law gave me an iron when we got married. It was a nice one, I have to give her credit. I was sure to show my husband how to use it properly when he ironed his own clothes.
Do women need a religion to tell them to dress modestly if they feel they are judged better in society that way? (If the woman wore a blouse and dress pants should would likely have received more respect than if she wore jeans and a t-shirt. After all, why do men wear business suits?) If one has lea...
This is an article that has many great points about the erosion of human rights in Canada and the US. James Travers of The Star - Khadr case hands terrorists unearned victory OTTAWA—Omar Khadr is scaring us silly. Fear and loathing of the man and the extremism he was recruited to serve is more destr...
benwj I checked out that article. Germaine Greer nailed when she said, "“Stephen Fry is clearly under a delusion that he is an authority on female s.exu.ality. Well, if he thinks that women are not interested in ge.nital encounters with total strangers then he is absolutely right. But to conclu...
From the religious texts it looks to me like both Christianity and Islam emphasize sinners being tormented in the fires of hell for eternity. Isn't that the purpose of this kind of story? To get people to be believers and follow the prescriptions of the religion so they can spare themselves from ete...
I could be wrong, but I am under the assumption that the majority of women (especially the ones already in a relationship) dress up nice, not so much for men, but to for other women (to make them envy). First of all, dressing nice doesn't mean dressing skimpy. Perhaps there are some women who want ...
Yes, ALL men can se.xually fantasize about any woman they find attractive, even if it is just her pretty face, they use their imagination for the rest. I've been treated like a proper coworker by men, and I have no idea if they have fantasized about me in particular. I've had some men look at me or ...