I miss Raidah and Bushra, they are interesting and fun ladies. He he he! I'll admit I'm head strong - many men would thank their lucky stars they aren't married to me.
I think there should be one legal system that equally applies to everyone, and secular is best since the entire population is not religiously homogeneous. Sharia law is fine for countries where the majority are Muslims. There should be no obligation for other countries to consider allowing a paralle...
Berrin said, "i.e. esthetics. take mums who prefer to stay skinny while pregnant and after so that they still look attractive both at home and outside i.e work. Those kind of mums have almost no milk and dry very quickly due to no will power.. Also some ladies get very busy life during the day ...
Gak, more crap. You ARE saying that what I have been doing does make me superior to other mothers, and I disagree. Even though I breastfeed, how do you know how I treat my kids in the day. Do I care for them well, am I sensitive and responsible? You don't have a clue. You had better stop now, becaus...
That's hilarious. So, on one hand I cannot complain that my garbled cuss word was edited out, because I had commented on the usefulness of that before, but on the other hand a thread devoted completely to flaming still remains in the general forum. I guess I have to be happy with small steps towards...
Reminiscing about my beloved yoda figurine that my dog chewed up and ate when I was 9 yrs old. I later found what was left of him when I was out scooping up all the dog poop in the yard. Thought it is a true story :D, at one point years ago we were all (temporarily) changing out avatars to Star Wars...
As you should well know, men and women who are not married or related to each other are not supposed to be in each other's company without an escort, it is frowned upon. You don't suppose that the police realize that sometimes couples use the "privacy" of their cars for something other tha...
That's hilarious. So, on one hand I cannot complain that my garbled cuss word was edited out, because I had commented on the usefulness of that before, but on the other hand a thread devoted completely to flaming still remains in the general forum. I guess I have to be happy with small steps toward...
What kind of women are these that only want to go for the "stereotypical 'tall dark stranger' (preferably with nice slick backed hair, lantern jawed rugged good looks, Armani top to toe, Porsche key-ring, wallet bulging with platinum plastic kind of tall darkness)". More importantly, why a...