I can't give any useful advice about how to file a complaint or recover the money, but I want to say I'm sorry that this happened. All around the world there are millions of women who have lost their jobs after becoming pregnant. Countries need to provide some legal protection for childbearing femal...
Maybe it could be strained neck muscles that refer pain to the head? I just checked and it seems the oteopath I used to use has gone back to the UK. In any case, I highly recommend osteopath care (gentler than chiro!) to work on any tight muscles and help fix any alignment issues.
eh, you are so tiresome. Every time Shaf tries to highlight moderate Islam you try to say it is a lie or you counter it with something outrageous that extremists have said. Just like Christianity and other religions, there is a range of beliefs, from religious only in name to moderate to far out the...
I'm so sorry that your boyfriend abandoned you while pregnant - totally his loss! You've got a special little person soon appearing in your life, so at least that is something to look forward to! Good luck with everything. :) I think what has been clear over the past year or so from reading the news...
My kids fly well, but still, it isn't a picnic - very exhausting for us to keep them entertained. People should have more understanding and sympathy when dealing with families on airplanes. Do they think we enjoy the flight and aren't bothered if our kids cry or are difficult? Have some heart!
It is important to donate money to charities with good reputations and a great idea to send goods like those on the list above. I usually donate to UN run aid efforts, Red Cross/Crescent, and a smaller Canadian charity that sends medical staff and medical goods to care for those after disasters. For...
Winding up: Ok peeps, we all have our own points of view however there seems to be a significant amount of personal vitriol poured into many recent posts. Can I suggest that each and every one of you pause, fingers twitching nervously over the keys, before you unleash your angst and begin to grind ...
uaekid wrote:not acceptable to you but its the realty . maybe she is not a prostitute but should've expected such behavior is what she will get. its was not exactly a slumber party..
Thank you for confirming that this is the kind of behaviour women can expect from Emirati men at a party.
No kidding Chocs, his attitude is disgraceful. Maybe uaekid will be attacked after a party and get a stun-gun up the jacksy. Then we can tell him it was his fault because he didn't go to the party with armed guards, was wearing shirt that was revealing too much chest(hair), and his cologne was too s...
Berrin said, "I object to the way secular moms treat their babies, I can only praise the imams.." And how exactly do secular moms treat their babies that is so bad? What is the difference between babies breastfed for two weeks, six months, one year or two years? I certainly can't pick out ...
Chocs, you handed over your passport? My husband and I never had our passports held by our Dubai employers. I suspect that mine was going to ask to keep my passport if I signed a permanent contract with them, but I would have said no.
uaekid, aren't you 30 or 31? That would make me max 5 yrs older than you. It was priceless when another forum member I used to knock heads with met me for the first time. I could tell he had this preconceived notion of what I looked like and he was shocked when he met me. Very amusing.
And back to the subject. Even if she was a prostitute she has a say in who she sleeps with. Her body is her commodity and she controls it. The guys have the option to approach and if she accepts, stick to the conditions of service and make proper payment. Anything outside of that is an abuse and no,...