There is definitely trolling if we are going to get more Indian and Pakistani bashing going on, like we did some weeks ago with all those ridiculous threads. If there is an interesting discussion going on, with actual discussion and not mudslinging or propaganda - then who cares... at least it still...
Well, with all the glossed over pro-Dubai propaganda out there it doesn't hurt to have a negative article once in a while to balance it out. However, nothing beats a single article that shows a balanced view of key pros and cons rather than just seeking out the extreme cases.
Each to their own. I think nature didn't get it wrong (think the same thing about male and female genitals too!) but some people like to change what nature gave.
Yeah, that's another good point. I wonder how many of you who are against even a very low blood alcohol level in a driver have taken all kinds of cold medicines or other prescription medicines that say "May cause drowsiness, don't operate moving vehicles" and then gotten into your cars to ...
No, there can't be, otherwise there wouldn't be so much pain and cruelty in the world. If there is one, it left a long time ago or is doing a crappy job.
If you are conservative and find it inappropriate then ask to meet her for dinner at a public restaurant. If you are fine with dinner alone, then go to her house, bring some flowers, eat dinner, chat and thank her for a nice evening before going home.
speedhump, that tends to be the normal attitude with some men. Men can sow their wild oats while women must remain virgins. Why? Because the men who are interested in settling down and marrying don't want their prowess compared to anyone else, be showed up in bed by the woman, or they just...
Are that many women really having it done? All of my friends are au natural with the exception of a couple who actually had breast reductions so that they relieve back pain and can more easily buy clothes.
Definitely SARS was serious, and H5N1 and swine flu have the potential to be devastating if proper precautions and protocols aren't followed. Luckily because of SARS and H5N1 governments have good action plans. Still, all you need one day is the right mutation of the virus and it can spread faster t...
Yeah, best to ignore him/her. Sometimes it is so tempting to give a tongue lashing, but in the end it is just a waste of time. I don't always follow my own advice, but am trying as well
Maybe you could consider having some face masks with you as well, in case there ends up being some cases where you are, and most definitely for airport and airplane. Just an added precaution to cover airborne contamination.
I would never go to a guy's house alone for a date until we had been dating for a while and I felt I could trust him. If I newly met a guy and he immediately asked me for a date to his place, it would be an automatic "No thanks!".
Why most of the people in dubai are after MONY , S**X , DRINK , DANCE , DRIVE and BEACHES Why do you keep posting useless stereotypical threads. If you don't have anything of substance to say yet, why not just hang out and read for a while and then participate in an existing thread that piques your...
It is fabulous news to hear that Marnie Pearce has finally been released from jail and will be allowed to remain in the UAE to fight for custody of her children. Now, I hope she gets a great lawyer who can fight tooth and nail to get her custo...
Hey, just a little feedback for you on the fluff you are posting. I don't like to have to wade through such crap when reading the forum - clogs everything up.
If you want a natural way for some relief for the nose you could try a neti pot with warm salt water and rinse out your sinuses. I used it in Dubai when I had dust irritation and when I was sick with a cold.
She wasn't found innocent, just served her jail time. They are being lenient about the deportation, which is great. Well, apparently the husband Ihab El-Labban is the one who cheated first with an American woman.
Mods, I thought that spammers get blocked from this forum - so why is this idiot still allowed to post this propaganda bullcrap here? You are right Kanelli. This is propaganda SPAM talk. This kind of hatemongering will also be monitored by Western governments. So if this doesn't go into trash anyti...