Shaf, you already said it. Iran says that Israel should be wiped off the map. No, you can't be president of a country and say those things, then wonder why people see you as a threat to Israel. He can have whatever opinions he wants - everyone else does. He might want to be more careful about what h...
You knew exactly what you were doing and purposely chose to post all the things you did here with a plan in mind. Only a nitwit would continue to play innocent. France is likely an excuse to hightail it out of here. (And how do you post from a Dubai IP while in France? :lol: ) Ciao, and remember to ...
I don't think it is an absolute that Iran would nuke Israel if it had the chance. I just think it is a possibility. I too agree that there is a lot of hype. In any case, no countries have a moral leg to stand on by opposing Iran developing nuclear technology, because other countries have done it and...
I really am surprised that Afghanistan and Iraq can't get their crap together. They have the ability to make the occupation obsolete, but the countries wallow in corruption and in-fighting. That can't all be blamed on the coalition. It drives me nuts!
As you know, I don't like it when the US is criticised as the source of all evil; however, I also have no problems criticising the US when it deserves it. They have an agenda for the Middle East that is about oil, not bringing democracy or crushing evil regimes. They constantly support Israel even w...
You just have to watch the behaviour. If there is flirting and touching, you know they are attracted to each other. So the friendship may not work. I wouldn't let my husband stay friends with a woman who was obviously s.e.xually attracted to him.
Good-bye - have a nice life... No one cares about this anymore except you apparently. Maybe you can make a trip to North Africa and console your friend. Seems you might be in the market for a new woman since you can't have your ex back. Don't forget about your commitments though...
. Of course there is no way that an airplaine full of fuel would ever create so much heat on impact and continued burning that could ever take down the towers. I mean, when the Trade Center towers were built the engineers though to themselves - "Well, what if someone rams huge airline jets int...
Why don't you guys try working with Muslim political lobby groups in the US or elsewhere where the people can influence the government. Those lobby groups seem to be successful for other lobby groups. Also, what about helping with education about religious tolerance and making people more critical a...
There are thousands of mixed couples in the UAE, so I don't see that there would be a problem. Do you have problems in the US or Australia with being a mixed couple?
Yes, there is definitely a lot of racism here, but if he has a degree and work experience from US, Australia, UK etc. and his passport is from one of those countries, then he'll be just fine.
I agree, many leaders in the oil rich Arab/Muslim countries are more concerned about making money from the oil than making any political statements. Sort of makes you wonder why everyone blames the US all the time... When will people in these Arab/Muslim countries start taking their own governments ...
Concord, don't you agree that the US is more of a threat for using nukes than Iran is? The US has murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki using nukes, and they are currently invading countries under false pretences, like Iraq. They help countries like Israel bomb the sno...
No probs, happy to help! We also usually recommend the Dubai Explorer (10th edition is out, but 11th is coming) book to newbies to Dubai, and also the search function on this site to help wade through all the topics to find answers to any questions you have that might have been covered before.
Currently the US has had sufficient troops and airpower to conduct military operations in the Middle East without needing to use the nukes. If they decided to attack Iran and thought there were going to be too many American casualties or their resources are stretched too thin, who is to say they wou...
Chocs, that is fabulous that you are helping this guy out with advice for caring for his dog. It seems he really appreciates it. Thanks for being one of those people that is more action rather than just more talk - the dog thanks you too.