kanelli - Posts

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My slogan would be:

"Bad driving makes you an ass" And of course there would be a cartoon donkey.
by kanelli
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: New Road Safety campaign
Replies: 11
Views: 1900

hockey is much more violent than soccer kanelli. and the brawls will never go, they are part of the appeal of the game and the NHL has laws to regulate the brawls actually. Women's hockey has no brawls, so it is possible to have hockey without brawls. People would still watch the game even if there...
by kanelli
Jul 12, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: zidane
Replies: 63
Views: 8292

vegael2003 wrote:
MaaaD wrote:no vega the only pattern you have is i-am-a-douche-bag pattern ..

if u would be got tiger yesterday

Now that is some lovely grammar to figure out :lol:
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Women "breast ironing"...
Replies: 139
Views: 20074

The news reports say that the Israeli soldiers were captured in a cross-border raid. Who was going across the border? Were the Israelis captured on Lebanese soil, or did Hezbollah capture Israelis across the border?
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

Ghetto, my company takes summer interns - we're a marketing and advertising coy. Please PM me with more information about yourself and please watch your grammar and spelling :idea: uuuuuuuuuuuur company? Just coz u work as the secretary in a company doesnt give ur the right to call it uuuuuuuuuuuuu...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 14
Views: 2995

Well, if Hezbollah did come across the border to attack and kidnap Israeli soldiers, then Hezbollah should take responsibility for the retaliation attack that has killed innocent Lebanese and wreaked havoc on Beirut. Militant groups do not have the support of all the people and some of their actions...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

See the first one first. :)
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Pirates of the carribean - Dead man's chest
Replies: 15
Views: 4255

Rami, many of the commercial perfumes are made out of synthetic scents and other possibly harmful chemicals. You should give the local perfume a try because most are made from real essential oils (at least that is what they told me :)). I think the local perfumes are more luxurious. :D
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Perfumes anybody? fast fast answer is needed
Replies: 24
Views: 4934

They are a plague. With them around we will NEVER know peace in Lebanon. Also, one more comment on this part. How do you want to acheive peace ? Throw away Hezbollah's weapons and then become a sheep like Egypt and Jordan and get peace ? Well here is a news flash for you this wont bring peace to le...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

Kanelli what you are saying is true if you want to treat Gaza and South Lebanon as two different entities which would server perfectly in the "divide and conquer" mentality that israel is employing in the region. However if you view Hezbollah's attack as a retaliation to the ongoing offen...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

No, sorry, don't know that one. Which company makes it? In Mall of the Emirates there are a few perfume shops that you can visit, and since Summer Surprises is going on you may be able to get a deal. You'd have to visit the shops and talk to the salespeople to see about that. Ibn Battuta has two per...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Perfumes anybody? fast fast answer is needed
Replies: 24
Views: 4934

Great post sharewadi 8)
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

Guys, this is how it works. Player1 says something really nasty and provoking to Player2 to make him lose his cool and do something stupid. Either Player2 controls himself and keeps playing, thereby foiling Player1's plans to sabotage him and his team OR he does something stupid, gets kicked out of ...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: zidane
Replies: 63
Views: 8292

XPClone wrote:That is a racist comment.

Dave is the newest freak here at DF. We think he is related to HP because he is about as tactful as HP. :lol:
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 14
Views: 2995

Who said that the whole world is upset over a few Israeli soldiers being kidnapped? Also, Nick isn't being selfish, he is entitled to his opinion, even if it is different than yours. Corcovado, I know you are upset and likely lashing out because of frustration at this time.
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

ad kanelli - I know from my past that if player 1 kicks player 2 and in front of the cameras, he looks nicely talking to player 2 (it looks like), he is saying "I'm sorry that I didn't kick your a#s enough, next time you're coming close to me, I will be better, I'll break all your legs..."...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: zidane
Replies: 63
Views: 8292

More good posts guys. 8)
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

everyday hundered and thousands of palestinians are being killed by Israel and the world stands still doing nothing about it. ..... Good thing you're not exaggerating a little. If you want to talk about the world doing nothing, 2 days ago 200 people were killed in India and that is already off the ...
by kanelli
Jul 13, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

Lionheart, please stop. There is no need for this kind of attack. Don't make some people on this forum (without mentioning names) sit back and laugh at us. How do you know that anyone is sitting back and laughing at "us", and who is "us" by the way? Just remember, assuming makes...
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

mraph can you not start this game of "you started it". I am not going back to history of 3000 years of who started it but lets just talk about recent history. Hamas had a ceasefire with Israel, until the latter bombed that innocent family on a picnic on the beach in Gaza and then Hamas en...
by kanelli
Jul 14, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Israel and Lebanon
Replies: 673
Views: 71496

Okay people, you need to pay up. Concord has collected only a fraction of what was promised by donators...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DF Members Do Good and Do Well In Dubai !
Replies: 79
Views: 10487

What do you want for the Middle East?

I am curious to see what the answers to this poll will be.
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you want for the Middle East?
Replies: 36
Views: 5177

I'm tentatively in - but might travel again in August so need to know the date for the karting.
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Karting Race
Replies: 142
Views: 16648

I love this album :D
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Review Gorillaz - Demon Days (2005)
Replies: 16
Views: 4422

Saying that Israel is trying to commit "genocide" against Arabs because they attack Palestinians and Lebanese is the same thing as calling all militant action against Israeli military personnel and targets "terrorism". It is false. We have seen enough cases of genocide in Europe ...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you want for the Middle East?
Replies: 36
Views: 5177

I wish that I could foster but our cats are enough for our size of place. A few of us on this forum are already working on a rescue of some kittens at a construction site - if we can find them again! It would be nice to let those babies have a chance to find a good home. Good luck phunkhoney and I h...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Helping hands needed urgently - foster parents?
Replies: 18
Views: 3507

I completely understand how you can be passionate about this topic. I always try to keep that in mind. It is true, Israel has not been as cooperative as it should. There are probably many Israelis who would be happy with some of the UN solutions, but then there is the extreme group that doesn't want...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you want for the Middle East?
Replies: 36
Views: 5177

You guys are sweethearts. Let's hope we can find them.
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Helping hands needed urgently - foster parents?
Replies: 18
Views: 3507

I really admire this man for caring about his country and fellow Muslims. He is publicly showing his face and admitting that he was a mole in the group that was arrested. Now that takes guts! The world needs more stand up guys like Mubin Shaikh! http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/toronto-bomb-plot/sh...
by kanelli
Jul 16, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: 17 Alleged Terrorists Arrested in Ontario
Replies: 45
Views: 7087

kanelli wrote:Okay people, you need to pay up. Concord has collected only a fraction of what was promised by donators...
by kanelli
Jul 18, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DF Members Do Good and Do Well In Dubai !
Replies: 79
Views: 10487

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