Because he came here and told us that you were dead without providing any evidence. You don't do that to people. If he didn't know for sure, he should have kept his gob shut. People can say anything they want on a forum. The least he could have done is given the link to the original posting where th...
Im sorry to bust ur bubbles and all the silly theories mentioned here..... It all comes back to 1 fact!!! which is If ur a hot young great looking guy like me, with a body physique no lady can subconciously resist! 17 out of 20 girls, no matter what! i get laid with. other 3 -time of the month -ran...
Well, even if someone's spouse isn't sick, it isn't good to spend all of one's time on a forum when their spouse is home and wanting to spend some quality time. There needs to be a balance. Looking for someone else to replace a spouse when they are still around is just a really crappy thing to do.
Yes, thanks once again to the organisers! It was great fun! I'm really glad I was back from holiday in time to make the meet. I doubt I'll be hitting Liban with a cricket bat again, he seemed to like it a little too much... :lol: Although I did try to mingle as best I could, I did miss talking to a ...
I particularly enjoyed these ones, "Surgeon General's Warning: Quitting Religion Now Greatly Increases the Chances of World Peace." "Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer." "It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists ...
Sorry, don't know about any CD events CFAinDubai. You should check with the Canadian Embassy about any events in Abu Dhabi perhaps. I have to celebrate both Canada Day and my wedding anniversary on July 1, so I'm usually out wining and dining with my hubby.
The terminology being used by the Israeli government and the media is ridiculous, and most people should see right through it. My definition of terrorism is suprise attacks by non-military personnel on civilian targets. If Israel is going to use their military to attack civilian and organised terror...
Unfortunately, there have been some recent news stories about teens throwing kittens from cars on SZR to see how long they last before being hit. Those assholes are likely future serial killers. :evil: Also, this time of year there are people abandoning pets because they don't want to pay for boardi...
This place is so corrupt that it isn't funny. Famous friends and a lot of money and you can get out of pretty much any situation. Now there are some moral standards for you.
Even if Islam claims to treat women very well, the fact remains that the Quran says that women must cover themselves to hide their attributes from men who might take advantage. On the one hand there are good intentions behind that, but on the other hand it makes it acceptable for men to disrespect w...
it is a terrible decision, however it's no different then what goes on in the rest of the world. Anyone recall O.J. Simpson? OJ Simpson had a full trial that went on for months. Skilled lawyers who twisted and manipulated facts were able to provide enough of a shadow of a doubt that OJ got off. Dal...
Sorry, but I have heard that there are even discrepancies between salaries amongst those with blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin - it depends on the country they come from, the field they work in etc. It seems to me that the non-whites are far worse at applying racist practices towards other non-...
Well, that's the thing, we don't really know for sure whether he was guilty or not. When I followed the trial I found that the evidence strongly supported that he did it.