Yeah, too bad the respect doesn't apply to all women. I get treated like a prostitute even when wearing business attire that covers my body completely (except hair of course). It is so insulting. There is a ridiculous stereotype that Western women are all available. As.sholes.
I brought home another kitty without discussing it with hubby. Well, we did discuss, but nothing concluded. I just couldn't resist this beautiful kitty, and she will be great for our current furboy (once he stops hissing and freaking out :shock: ). New kitty is in exile in the spare room until the t...
:( I hope you will be feeling better soon Arniegang. I hope that Mrs. Arniegang is well too. My hubby is going easier on me than our existing cat is. Needless to say, he's pretty pissed. New kitty is really groggy and shy today, unlike last night. She had some vaccinations though, so perhaps those a...
In the Mall of the Emirates, second floor near where all the kids clothes and toy shops are. I can't remember the name, but it is a chain. You can choose the toy, choose the clothes, and also get embroidered name too I believe. Can anyone tell the name since I can't remember?
I brought home another kitty without discussing it with hubby. Well, we did discuss, but nothing concluded. I just couldn't resist this beautiful kitty, and she will be great for our current furboy (once he stops hissing and freaking out :shock: ). New kitty is in exile in the spare room until the ...
See, this is where I have problem with religion. All of the holy books are supposed to speak for a higher power who supposedly knows what he/she is doing. If god is the all-powerful and dictated that marrying cousins was okay, why did he/she make genetic faults possible for people marrying within th...
I really wish coalition troops could leave. The longer they are there, stressed 24hrs a day, the more likely it will be that soldiers snap and murder innocent people. To those of you who think that coalition soldiers enjoy killing innocent civilians - I think you too would enjoy killing innocent Ira...
I really wish coalition troops could leave. The longer they are there, stressed 24hrs a day, the more likely it will be that soldiers snap and murder innocent people. To those of you who think that coalition soldiers enjoy killing innocent civilians - I think you too would enjoy killing innocent Ir...
Dubai soul - you have put so much thought into your reply - Thank you. Kanelli, Ian and everybody else - Thanks - So nice to see all the support and help. I managed to do the handover gracefully, call it Karma, call it the power of God but I saw it happen today (yet once again) There was a project ...
LBHOO, just try to get them to make any marks on the back and in a less conspicuous spot. Hopefully the certificate will be in decent shape and go back into the frame after.
Liban, even if I agree with what you said - the US will reap what is sows - it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that soldiers from all countries are trained to kill and do kill. It is false to say that US soldiers are more barbaric than other soldiers of different nationalities. That was my...
Let's let the pigs go out and have a mud bath for a while. A woman will now answer your question in a more helpful way. Do not offer to sleep with him and hope to get him to like you that way. Guys might try to hang out with you more, or show little signs of affection like putting their arm around y...
If you can joke that Janet should sleep with the guy and see if he calls back, then I can joke and call you a pig Perhaps you only give but can't receive?