johnlee23 - Posts

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Football/Soccer teams?

Hey everyone, I am moving to Dubai in the new year for work, and play football in the UK at a Semi-professional standard. I was wondering if anyone knew of any football teams in Dubai that would possibly welcome trials or new players? As i'm sure you can all appreciate, new surroundings and not havi...
by johnlee23
Dec 21, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Football/Soccer teams?
Replies: 0
Views: 1047

Football/Soccer teams??

Hey everyone, I am moving to Dubai in the new year for work, and play football in the UK at a Semi-professional standard. I was wondering if anyone knew of any football teams in Dubai that would possibly welcome trials or new players? As i'm sure you can all appreciate, new surroundings and not havi...
by johnlee23
Dec 23, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Football/Soccer teams??
Replies: 0
Views: 1802

Fight Clubs???

Hey all,

Am moving to Dubai in 3 weeks to work, and was keen to find out if there are any MMA/Boxing clubs in the area?

Also looking to join a football (soccer) team, as I play at a semi-professional standard in the UK.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

by johnlee23
Jan 05, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Fight Clubs???
Replies: 6
Views: 3389

Living laws/partners etc

hey guys, moving to Dubai in February, and keen to find out the laws regarding my partner moving out with me. It is to my knowledge that she can obtain a holiday visa for upto 60 days, but would this be a problem if she stays permanently? Also, she is a qualified international Beauty Therapist. Woul...
by johnlee23
Jan 21, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Living laws/partners etc
Replies: 16
Views: 4518

Perfect information...

Just one query, if my partner looks for work on a visit visa, and finds a uitable position (touch wood), would she be able to reside with me in my apartment, or under law is she required to have her own residence?

Info is greatly appreciated.


by johnlee23
Jan 21, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Tips for working and finding work in Dubai
Replies: 134
Views: 173651

Thanks for this info.

My boss has just mentioned that visit visa's are now only stamped for 30 days at a time, whereas I was informed the maximum was initially 60 days.

Can anyone shed any light on this?
by johnlee23
Jan 21, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Living laws/partners etc
Replies: 16
Views: 4518

Football (Soccer) in Dubai???

Hey guys and girls,

Just moved to Dubai 2 weeks ago, and was interested in joininga football team.

Does anyone know of any teams locally, preferably of a good standard, as I was in a Semi-Pro team back in the UK.

Any info is grately appreciated :)

by johnlee23
Feb 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Football (Soccer) in Dubai???
Replies: 6
Views: 4875

Gambling in Dubai?

Just a few thoughts..

Is it illegal to gamble online, if your in Dubai?

Also, I hear news of a possible casino opening, with leneancy on the laws. Does anyone know of this?

Thanking you :)
by johnlee23
Feb 22, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Gambling in Dubai?
Replies: 1
Views: 1301

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