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Digital Camera - Canon POwerShot S50 Enquiry

Hi I am planning to buy a digital camera - Canon PowerShot S50 from dubai in a week when i will be there. Do you have any idea if this particular model is available in dubai ? I am also looking for 1 GB microdrive along with the camera. If you can guide me on apporx cost of the same and places to fi...
by john
May 23, 2003
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Digital Camera - Canon POwerShot S50 Enquiry
Replies: 1
Views: 4531

Duty free shopping ?


What exactly duty free shoppping means ? and what are the rules related to the same. ?

Do all shops in dubai offer duty free or some specific ?

Thanks in advance
by john
May 23, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Duty free shopping ?
Replies: 8
Views: 4582

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