jazuli14 - Posts

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How were you planning on getting the feeds? I've only had partial success with Centre Ice Online, but its not really that great in terms of quality...
by jazuli14
Oct 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Hey, just wanted to say......
Replies: 2
Views: 1539

1. Roads - I don't think when they built the roads they had thought of the concept of "merge lanes"... basically here you just get off an onramp straight on to the highway! And what's up with those barricades they are putting up everywhere? It's like they found a hidden cache of them and d...
by jazuli14
Oct 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: What do you dislike about Dubai
Replies: 61
Views: 12471

Weekend Courses?

Due to the nature of my work, the only time I am consistently in Dubai is on the weekends. Does anyone know of any Weekend run Arabic courses? I would say that my Arabic level is between beginner and intermediate.

by jazuli14
Oct 13, 2007
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Weekend Courses?
Replies: 0
Views: 2931

Re: Too many ways to say the same thing!!

For instance: English "I'm fine" Arabic "tamam" "Al hamdolillah" "m'neeha" "kuwaiyiza" I can't learn Arabic fluently cause every dialect is different and by the time I've learnt 4 different versions of the same term I have a hard time remembering 4 ...
by jazuli14
Oct 13, 2007
Forum: Arabic learning Forum
Topic: Too many ways to say the same thing!!
Replies: 13
Views: 8055

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