jason - Posts

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This is going to Piss Locals Badly

Plz. read till the end. Not all arabs and the sheiks are bad . Very True. But there are very less and out in the Desert and not to be seen everyday to set a good example. I Drove my American Friends over to Souq-Al-Arsa (Rolla, Sharjah) and these 2 low life Arabs somehow got the authority to decide ...
by jason
Feb 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44777

Typical camels!

"Liban" Hahahhaah. Ur reply is funny. I wrote so much, pointing out soooo much and you didn't take a sec. out of your life to go and check if what i said about the ministries & arabs is correct or not. Instead you did something so typical CAMEL type reaction just few words "Go F*ck ur self" If e...
by jason
Feb 05, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44777

thanks for replying

It worries me that someone with such prejudice against Arabs is actually teaching at a university here *sigh* Let me make this clear that i dont teach, i work at a university. I don't want teachers to be insult and looked down on by you guys because of my post. See this is the way human mind works ...
by jason
Feb 05, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44777


jason i would have taken the time to reply to your post if you hadnt filled it with racist remarks and hatred. any place in the world has its faults, and i am sure alot of the things you criticized might be true. but the way you posted was so uncivil that you dont deserve my time. Never argue with ...
by jason
Feb 06, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: sheiks
Replies: 80
Views: 44777

before you commit a crime plz. remember your nationality.

Gang Rape, some emarati guys or as they like to call themselves locals, sentenced to jail for 2 yrs despite the fact that the islamic law (Sharia) implies 80 lashes. Vs. Estonian who harassed woman cop prefers lashes to jail By a staff reporter 4 April 2006 SHARJAH — The Sharjah Shariah court has se...
by jason
Apr 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: before you commit a crime plz. remember your nationality.
Replies: 17
Views: 15957

punishment of crime based on nationality not the crime.

Gang Rape, some emarati guys or as they like to call themselves locals, sentenced to jail for 2 yrs despite the fact that the islamic law (Sharia) implies 80 lashes. Vs. Estonian who harassed woman cop prefers lashes to jail By a staff reporter 4 April 2006 SHARJAH — The Sharjah Shariah court has se...
by jason
Apr 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: punishment of crime based on nationality not the crime.
Replies: 3
Views: 4114

Q: Why pay a lazy ass? Ans:Just because he is an emarati!

What exactly is so cool about a national that he has to sit on the head of a expact businessman at all times. Is he going to invest. No, only in the conditions where he gets the most money. Is he going to work. Hell no. plz. read on LLC firms to face stiff penalties BY ISAAC JOHN (Chief Business Rep...
by jason
Apr 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Q: Why pay a lazy ass? Ans:Just because he is an emarati!
Replies: 11
Views: 6944

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