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I have few question regarding CPA and ICAEW in dubai. 1-which one is more respected in dubai ICAEW or CPA international. I mean which one is given more salary. 2-What are the salary range of a trainee CPA of ICAEW in big4 or some other top firm. 3-What is minimum yrs of training required for CPA lic...
by irfan842
Feb 13, 2014
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: ICAEW or CPA
Replies: 0
Views: 1304

combination of ACCA+CPA an advantage in Dubai.

I m studying acca.
I am planing to join a firm in dubai for my internship.
Plz tell me if I start CPA after getting graduation through acca it will be fruitful for me or I should approach to CA icaew.
by irfan842
Feb 13, 2014
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: combination of ACCA+CPA an advantage in Dubai.
Replies: 0
Views: 1178

how to get icaew training contract in big4 dubai

friends if I get gold medal in acca. Plus one year experience of treasury officer in Finance department of KPK. Then is there any chance of getting training contract in ICAEW big 4 Firms at Dubai. I want to pass ICAEW exam in future. Also I want salary range of trainee Chartered accountants in Big 4...
by irfan842
Feb 14, 2014
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: how to get icaew training contract in big4 dubai
Replies: 4
Views: 4531


So plz tell me what is the proper route for me be ICAEW qualified from dubai.

smohjama ,

--- Mar 14, 2014 ---

what do you mean by first class students.
by irfan842
Mar 14, 2014
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: how to get icaew training contract in big4 dubai
Replies: 4
Views: 4531

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