iphonedxb - Posts

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iphone pre-orders being taken

gentlemen, unlocked iphones are being prepared and shipped to dubai as we speak to launch with Gitex and pre-orders are being taken. If you are interested we are only bringing the 8GB version and price will be 5,000 AED with complete unlock to work with Etisalat or du. Email your contact details (na...
by iphonedxb
Sep 03, 2007
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: iphone pre-orders being taken
Replies: 15
Views: 5872

iphone in dubai

gentlemen, unlocked iphones are being prepared and shipped to dubai as we speak to launch with Gitex and pre-orders are being taken. If you are interested we are only bringing the 8GB version and price will be 5,000 AED with complete unlock to work with Etisalat or du. Email your contact details (na...
by iphonedxb
Sep 03, 2007
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: iphone in dubai
Replies: 0
Views: 1475

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