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Giving Birth in UAE

Hi all... I wanted to know how the law is here.. I am a british citizen but my husband is ethiopian citizen.. I am supposed to give birth in December but colleagues at work tell me that my child will be given the nationality of my husband and not mine... I would appreciate it if u could share some m...
by hokhis
Apr 17, 2014
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Giving Birth in UAE
Replies: 1
Views: 2260

Re: Nurserys In Sharjah/Ajman Area

TRY out Bumble Bee Nursery sharjah al ramla Area.... its great and has qualified british and american teachers... I myself am working there... :)

--- Apr 17, 2014 ---

by hokhis
Apr 17, 2014
Forum: Dubai Education
Topic: Nurserys in Sharjah/Ajman area
Replies: 5
Views: 6109

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