his-xlnc - Posts

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bored, bored and bored.... surprised that I'm still alive !
nothing exciting or intriguinghere.... will anyone tell me abt some more exciting online stuff relating to dubai ?
by his-xlnc
Jan 10, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 2
Views: 2366

that was quite straight....

I gotta hand it to u that u have been quite straight in your approach... n u know what... if u do end up getting a girl for yourself through this approach ... promise that I'm gonna be the first one to get an intimation abt it ! haha ! n to the rest of u.... girlfriends and whores r 2 different spec...
by his-xlnc
Jan 10, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm looking for a girlfriend in Dubai
Replies: 46
Views: 19225

Eminem for Dubai's ruler ??? yes ??? no ??? why ???

With Due to Respect to the rulers here... this is just wit n humour... nothing big ! anyway... since everyone seems sooooo satisfied with whatever the rulers r offering here... the good style of living n a cool n clean environment not to mention the DSF ! hehe.... but what do u say ? EMINEM for Duba...
by his-xlnc
Jan 10, 2004
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Eminem for Dubai's ruler ??? yes ??? no ??? why ???
Replies: 12
Views: 4712

I think u both have something against eachother... n none of u said yes or no for the poll... but anyway thats a start.... what do u guys do here in Emirates... if u r here that is. n hmmm... some rappers u r... ever tried for some record company or some existing bands to sell your lyrics or sumthin...
by his-xlnc
Jan 11, 2004
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Eminem for Dubai's ruler ??? yes ??? no ??? why ???
Replies: 12
Views: 4712

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