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Re: Study Shows US Jihadist Threat Over-blown

I noticed a new trend with our izlamic resident, islamophobic, trolling, fantasy and loon don't make it enough anymore so he added correct your errors, when there are no errors to begin with.
by herve
Feb 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Study shows US Jihadist threat over-blown
Replies: 21
Views: 1773

UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage

Many of our izlamic residents deny that islam condone pedophelia. All of them are constantly saying that no Moslems, none, want to bring the elements of Sharia that are incompatible with Western law into Western countries. This message caught on youtube is clear evidence of their hidden agenda and t...
by herve
Feb 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible

Just by reading the quran, it is obvious allah is a manifestion of evil. the book is a collection of messages of hate, murder, spilling blood, burning in hell, chopp off heads, hands , feet, pour lead into ears, having $ex with children, pedophelia at every other page. Not really messages of love an...
by herve
Feb 11, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Allah is the God of the Bible
Replies: 95
Views: 8860

Re: Study shows US Jihadist threat over-blown

News and recent arrests demonstrate the extent of the threats associated with moslem terrorists. A moslem from Uzbekistan who pleaded guilty Friday to plotting to kill President Barack Obama with an automatic rifle claimed he was acting at the direction of an Islamic terror group in his home country...
by herve
Feb 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Study shows US Jihadist threat over-blown
Replies: 21
Views: 1773

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

Oh another hoax? But how, you said it yourself, you said would promote implementation of sharia in the UK and agree to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages so moslems can have several wives and marry their cousins and sisters. So it is not a hoax, since the likes of you agree to what is on this ...
by herve
Feb 11, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

Where is the hoax when yourself and most of moslems agree to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages in the UK. It s all proven to be true to me by facts and statements by moslems
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo

What is interesting here, is that when US Marines pose in front of waffen SS flag it creates an outrage. But when moslems from certain groups use the nazi salute and promote hitler, there is no outrage at all.


Because it s deemed NOT to be normal for the first, but normal for the seond
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Marines and 'SS' photo
Replies: 19
Views: 1706

Re: Allah Is The God Of The Bible

still dont want to go to the altair in a Christian Church on a sunday morning to tell everyone they are in fact worshiping allah? You wont , not because you are a coward, but because you know you have no chance in the world to convince anyone.
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Allah is the God of the Bible
Replies: 95
Views: 8860

Re: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage

shafique, would you vote yes, or would vote no, to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages?

I have no clues as to who is warren Jeff something, hence i can respond to your question. however the vid is about muslum marriage restriction
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

shafique, would you vote yes, or would vote no, to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages?
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

your vote would clear the fact whether it is a hoax or not. The video says muslums want to abolish restrictions on muslum marriages. so IF you would not want to abolish those restrictions, that could make it a hoax, but if you (like a majority of muslums) seek to ablish those restrictions, then it i...
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage

So you mean that it is not true that muslums want to abolish restrictions on muslim marriages in the UK
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: UK: Push To Abolish Restrictions On Muslim Marriage

so the hoaxes are only the reports you don't like. how predictable you are.
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK: push to abolish restrictions on muslim marriage
Replies: 20
Views: 2372

Re: Egypt security official: 3 tourists kidnapped in Sinai

I thought shafique was in the UK
by herve
Feb 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Egypt security official: 3 tourists kidnapped in Sinai
Replies: 9
Views: 988

Re: US Marines And 'SS' Photo

unless suicide bombing becomes an olympic discipline
by herve
Feb 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: US Marines and 'SS' photo
Replies: 19
Views: 1706

Re: Abu Qatada. A Threat to UK Homeland Security

Here is a chart to help you out pin where muslums live.
by herve
Feb 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Abu Qatada. A Threat to UK Homeland Security
Replies: 90
Views: 5854

Jeans from Israel cause infertility in arab women

Had a good laugh with this piece caught on egyptian TV
http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/ ... xs.twitter
by herve
Feb 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jeans from Israel cause infertility in arab women
Replies: 1
Views: 725

Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here

Don't go to the police! The police will question you and on what basis you make such accusations. They will ALSO ask you what is the nature of the relation between you and your gf. "dating" is illegal in the UAE, and any admission from you or accusations by her parents of $exual relation (...
by herve
Feb 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here
Replies: 11
Views: 1898

Re: The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World

There is a magazine (The Voice of the Martyrs) that documents Christian persecution around the world. Let's not forget the sickening picture of a Christian woman on the front cover , who was hunted down and mutilated by Islamics. I dont recall there is an equivalent for moslem persecution. http://co...
by herve
Feb 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World
Replies: 3
Views: 1140

Re: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here

You want to tell that to the police too? You are going to find yourself in a world of problems.
by herve
Feb 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: i need help... desperately sorry its out of topic here
Replies: 11
Views: 1898

Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees

Interestingly, out of the 750,000 original Palestine refugees, only a fraction of that number, about 150,000 persons, remain alive. Yet under UNRWA's definition, it s 10 millions people !!!!! potentially eligible for Palestine refugee status. WTF?, where do they come from? Unlike all other refugees ...
by herve
Feb 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees
Replies: 32
Views: 2043

Re: my experiance from Investing in Gold and Silver

Yes Gold and silver is a good investment, only if you buy it direct from gold dealers. Buying through middle men like MY GLOBAL INVESTMENTS, is just feeding people in the food chain that you dont need and they will take advantage of your investments and cut your returns. Buy direct, anyone can do it...
by herve
Feb 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: my experiance from Investing in Gold and Silver
Replies: 11
Views: 9003

Re: my experiance from Investing in Gold and Silver

You can buy gold at your local gold dealer, the same price, as anywhere in the world, usually 3 or 4% above spot. How much do you buy gold @ My Global Investment then?. There is no vat tax on gold purchase, where did you get this? There may be a tax when you sell it, but certainly not when you buy i...
by herve
Feb 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: my experiance from Investing in Gold and Silver
Replies: 11
Views: 9003

Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court

Why do they keep calling these thugs "asian" when they all carry arab names and are moslem?
Japanese and Chinese should be offended.
by herve
Feb 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court
Replies: 84
Views: 5487

Re: Peculiar Proliferation Of Palestine Refugees

Can you remind what happened in 1967, I thought arabs attacked israel, failed and got their a$$es kicked
by herve
Feb 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees
Replies: 32
Views: 2043

Re: Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees

BB your frustrations are obvious, all over your posts, are you part of the stats in that female $exual study in the UAE, which says arab women were never fulfilled, never are, never will because of their mooslem husbands? And something else, you will never be able to probe the mind of a master spy, ...
by herve
Feb 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees
Replies: 32
Views: 2043

Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court

But why don't they call them "muslims" instead of "asian". ALL these thugs are muslims, but not all asians are muslims and thugs.
by herve
Feb 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court
Replies: 84
Views: 5487

Re: Peculiar Proliferation Of Palestine Refugees

So, besides the fact that 300 millions whatever arabs cant beat the small IDF......how 150,000 living refugees turned to 10 millions people claiming for a return when they were never there to begin?
by herve
Feb 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Peculiar proliferation of Palestine refugees
Replies: 32
Views: 2043

Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court

Why should I, Japanese are not asian to you?
by herve
Feb 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court
Replies: 84
Views: 5487

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