halidrezoi2 - Posts

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Oil and Gas Trading

Hello Everyone, My name is Halid Rezoi, Im a young and enthusiastic person. I'm looking for a STRONG AND RELIABLE company which would like to expand their business and invest their money in Oil and Gas trading. I'm from Turkmenistan and I have a 100% working business plan. Im not offering you an inv...
by halidrezoi2
Feb 26, 2015
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Oil and Gas Trading
Replies: 0
Views: 1388

Investor Needed- Oil And Gas Trading in Turkmenistan

Hello Everyone, My name is Halid Rezoi, Im a young and enthusiastic person. I'm looking for a STRONG AND RELIABLE company which would like to expand their business and invest their money in Oil and Gas trading. I'm from Turkmenistan and I have a 100% working business plan. Im not offering you an inv...
by halidrezoi2
Feb 26, 2015
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Investor Needed- Oil And Gas Trading in Turkmenistan
Replies: 0
Views: 1123


Hello my dear Investors and Business partner. We are a serious company which is in oil and gas business and we want to expand our business by getting investments for our new projects. Minimum investments required 10 000 000 USD. Approximate income per year 5-10 M USD 50/50 profit sharing. Investment...
by halidrezoi2
Apr 11, 2015
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Replies: 0
Views: 1129

Re: Emirates Local Sponsor Services Available With Sopourt !

Dorogaya Lola22
A u vas est' investor???

U menya est' gotovaya bizness prezentaciya na otkrytie zavoda alyumnevyh profiley v Turkmenistane.

Nadeyus na vashu pomosh'.

S Uvajenniem

Halid Rezoi
by halidrezoi2
Apr 26, 2015
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Emirates Local Sponsor services Available with sopourt !!!
Replies: 2
Views: 1344


Dear Sir

Im searching for the investment for my project of Aluminum extraction factory in central asia, Turkmenistan.

Please kindly contact me for more explanation of my business proposal.

Thank you

by halidrezoi2
Apr 29, 2015
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Investments/start-up funds are available
Replies: 2
Views: 2110


Dear Sir Im searching for the investment for my project of Aluminum extraction factory in central asia, Turkmenistan.Please kindly contact me for more explanation of my business proposal.Thank you [url=mailto:halidrezoi2@gmail.com]halidrezoi2@gmail.com[/url]
by halidrezoi2
Apr 29, 2015
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Funding Sources Available For Business
Replies: 1
Views: 1535


Dear Sir Im searching for the investment for my project of Aluminum extraction factory in central asia, Turkmenistan.Please kindly contact me for more explanation of my business proposal.Thank you [url=mailto:halidrezoi2@gmail.com]halidrezoi2@gmail.com[/url] --- Apr 29, 2015 --- Dear Sir Im searchin...
by halidrezoi2
Apr 29, 2015
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Replies: 2
Views: 2811

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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