guitaro1984 - Posts

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excuse me my friend,as to your advertisement you offered regarding to needing a guitarist,I would like to join with your band any time you want me,I'm a professional guitarist, Classic and Flamenco and Franco and i have the ability to play other style too,if you're interested ,so call me on 00962776...
by guitaro1984
Mar 24, 2014
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Need some members for new band in dubai
Replies: 1
Views: 3479


Salam Alikoum ,I just wanted to know if you have the ability to help us as we are a refugee Syrian family ,and recently we fled from the war and butchering and starvation to Jordan ,please try to consider our case as we have a house's rent we must pay every month so that we don't be out on the stree...
by guitaro1984
Mar 26, 2014
Forum: Dubai Events
Topic: Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference
Replies: 1
Views: 1900

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