sage & onion wrote:What does this have to do with the Dubai Airshow if it happened in France?
rudeboy wrote:ok i hate it when ppl who drink and drive. y dont they flipping get a taxi and go home. y putting ur life at risk and other ppls life as wel?? Doll you wanna explain this to me????
debian wrote:The whole thing could have been avoided if she hadn't went to meet the guy, which is what the law states
Concord wrote:gtmash wrote:I outsmarted it on my second try.
This tricks is as old as dirt.
debian wrote:DEFINITION: Total recorded rapes. Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.
fayz wrote:if you do the math though a hybrid chevy tahoe still uses more gas then a nissan tiida. A step in the right direction though.