ginnee - Posts

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Lebanese Food

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and Im wondering if any of you are interested in learning how to cook lebanese food. I'm going to be starting classes in my own kitchen next week. For more information send me a message on
ginneeginnee 36 at hot mail
by ginnee
Jan 14, 2011
Forum: Catering Services in Dubai
Topic: Lebanese Food
Replies: 7
Views: 4693

Re: Lebanese Food

Ginee youtube is flooded with videos about cooking any kind of food, put ur vids up there first, and make an ad to contact you, that would be a better way to gain attention Thanks for the suggestion. you really think so? how so? I need educating, seriously!! :shock: Maybe i should take a video of m...
by ginnee
Jan 21, 2011
Forum: Catering Services in Dubai
Topic: Lebanese Food
Replies: 7
Views: 4693

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