Ian -
Totally agree. Be nice all the time. Well...... except for the fkg loon that cut me up this morning.......I wonder if I can get laser guns as an optional extra on me car..........?
GT - Certainly in terms of organisation. I mean to say, Wot muppet organisers would arrnage teams of coaches to send the audience from the car parks to the venue and then fail to have them on hand for the way back ? It's ludicrous ! Unfortunately, it's common here. Muppets who think they are able to...
Guys - Just wanted to send out a brief Happy Holidays note to y'all. It's been an interesting year here on these boards and I'm certainly looking forward to more interaction, debate, info and just plain silliness :D For those that celebrate, have a great xmas and may 2008 bring you happiness, health...
Yup. Same to you all. May 2008 [Hmmmm..... a Leap Year, doesn't that mean that chicks can propose to guys this year ??] bring you all health, love, prosperity and a huge dose of laughter to keep us all sane !!!!! Don't know what the new chinese year is. Does anyone know ? Anyway, peace out guys. Hav...
Just ram 'em ! That'll stop the littering, abrupt end to the phone chat and hopefully indication drought too. Oh no...... there goes my "peace out" wishes, dammmmit ! I just keep repeating "there are lots of great, polite, sensible drivers here" and try to manifest it...............
Not sure if I'm askin a question that's already been answered here, but what the hell. Cannot access the skype website. No downloads. Nuffin. Any advice to a techie know-nothin, who wants to reduce call charges back to UK, US, Oz etc ? [i did use previously the windows messenger and their video conf...
Nope. Sorry. Don't agree that it will take another 20 years for people to realise and change their driving habits. If [and only if] the municipality does something more drastic with enforcement. Right now, the Cops just don't seem to have sufficient numbers/ power/ wherewithall/ kudos to enforce tra...
alienlovespredator.com [although, no longer being updated, it's still hilarious... just go back to the start and have a look]
Just found out about this last night. It made me feel sufficiently peeved to share with yoiu guys. See what you think. So an expat wife has a child with special needs. She decides to try to set up a shcool for similarly disabled kids here. Bearing in mind 99% would be local [you know. the ones that ...
Ebonics - Totally agree. It doesn't take a genius to recognise that Dubai is slowly choking itself on it's own traffic. "too little, too late" is something that I have heard time and again for the city. Town planning is a joke. Actually, planning is a joke, come to think of it...... AD is ...
I wonder how many deaths it will take before these so-called NEW rules are actually enforced ? Will it take the death of a royal ? It really stresses me here. The standard of driving is appalling. Just basic stuff would be nice. Indicators. You know they're there. Fkg USE them ! Parking. If you cann...
Choc - That's what I was wondering. How could someone get convicted for having a piece of paper on their foot ? It's like saying that if I have some doggy doodaas on me loafas, that I've been pooing everywhere :lol: :lol: Either way, I'm glad the fella got pardoned. Maybe otehr countries could take ...
At the end of the day, my heart goes out to all those families that have been maimed by this awful tragedy. It really does. Far too often, it takes something like this catastrophy and the subsequent death/ injury/ inconvenience of someone "high up the food chain" [I think you know what I m...
Now the road has been cleared and the bodies [oh, sorry.... seriously hurt :roll: ] carted off, what is going to change in Dubai [and UAE as a whole, I hope] regarding the debacle that is the driving standards here ? I did read recently that the Shiekh was quoted as "being angry and embarrassed...
Gotta say that I'm appalled by cruelty of this type. It takes a certain baseness of character to be doing such obviously nasty things. Me and TCCKAMG got our moggy from Feline Friends and it breaks my heart whenever I go in there and hear the horror stories that these poor animals have been put thro...
No. There is absolutely NO truth behind the nasty rumour that there was an ENORMOUS warehouse fire, lasting 3 hrs plus at the Meena Port in Abu Dhabi yesterday. And there were absolutely no horendous toxic clouds of smelly fumes over the city for the rest of the evening. Aaaand no traffic jams till ...
Interesting how the Chief decided to announce it all in a blaze of publicity. Does Dubai really have such a problem with hoardes of transvestities roaming the streets ? :roll: Clearly, Eddie Izzard aint gonne be asked to the Comedy Store, then :lol: I was in a club in Doha not so long ago. Bit dodgy...
Arniegang - ARE YOU KIDDING ????? TSB may well be a good bank in other countries, but they are just as muppet-like in DB ! I could give you a few examples, but just suffice to say that lost cards, messages never passed onto the right people, awful customer service, repeated requests for info ignored...
Recent attacks in Dubai clubs seem on the increase. I've just read the report from the paper about Elegant at the Royal Ascot. Sounds horrible. My mate was at Serai a few weeks ago when some other muppets let off a gas canister. Gawd knows what they were thinking. He said it was lucky that no-one di...
Choco - Oooh, don't get me started on this one....... :evil: :evil: :evil: So agree with you. There are too many examples of that in UK. I still remember the one years ago about the farmer [Tony someone ?] who shot a couple of robbers, breaking into his home [??]. He ended up in jail ! How fkd up is...
As Choco said, if you're in DB, you're probably gonna be ok. HOWEVER [and it IS a big however] if anything happens to you or g/f, it will be an excuse for the authorities to deport/ jail/ punish the non-muslim infidel that you are. A couple of weeks ago, friends here were involved in a car crash, in...