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Are there any probelms with Employment Visa's at the moment?

Hi, I was supposed to start work on the 6th October, with a recruitment company based in the freezone, however I have been told that I can't start work as there is a big delay at the moment on the Dubai Gov't giving out Employment Visa's. Is this true? I am really worried, as I have already quit my ...
by fp568
Sep 20, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Are there any probelms with Employment Visa's at the moment?
Replies: 12
Views: 4215

Hi, I have spoken with them and they don’t want me to work without a work permit, I gave them the option that I could come on a Visit visa, and then get it transferred as you can do this without having to leave the country now, but they said that just very recently this had changed for British Natio...
by fp568
Sep 22, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Are there any probelms with Employment Visa's at the moment?
Replies: 12
Views: 4215

Hi, I am having the same problem, I was due to start 1st week of October, and now am being told that its not going to be until the 1st week of November at the earliest... Apparently there are some problems, and things have slowed down, I am really worried too as I have already quit my job too..... G...
by fp568
Sep 24, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Issuing employment visas slowed down recently in Ramadan?!!
Replies: 20
Views: 8937


I was told by the company that their UAE Sponsor are not authorising any visa's until the 12th October - should I be worried?
by fp568
Sep 24, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Are there any probelms with Employment Visa's at the moment?
Replies: 12
Views: 4215

My company have told me, they said that they cannot put the application in until the 13th October...I have spoken with the company and they are very reassuring that it should be fine, but it seems to be a company specifc problem....I have got other offers but declined them...should I get in contact ...
by fp568
Sep 25, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Issuing employment visas slowed down recently in Ramadan?!!
Replies: 20
Views: 8937


But your company did manage to sort it out in the end? 3.5 months, seems a very long time.....why did they take so long? did you find out?
by fp568
Sep 26, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Issuing employment visas slowed down recently in Ramadan?!!
Replies: 20
Views: 8937


How have you got on with your visa application?
by fp568
Oct 03, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Issuing employment visas slowed down recently in Ramadan?!!
Replies: 20
Views: 8937


Has anyone got any new news re: visa applications? I am still waiting...
by fp568
Oct 03, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Are there any probelms with Employment Visa's at the moment?
Replies: 12
Views: 4215

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