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Dear All,

If anyone wants to know there cases in Dubai and wants to removed there case contact me fcredubaicases@gmail.com, we can removed you from blacklist legally.
by fcre
Dec 11, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: How to check my passport still on black list in uae
Replies: 21
Views: 50987

Re: My Black List

Dear, I can help you first we have to check your cases out from Dubai, which will cost you AED 2000 lawyers will take out all the information to know how he can remove you from black list, we are very fast and very good relations in court, you will get 100% result than you can come and work in Dubai...
by fcre
Dec 11, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: my black list
Replies: 6
Views: 6853

Re: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.

behroozj , Salam brother, we can help you in this to remove you from black list, we having a strong team, we are removing cases and remove you from black list also, contact me on fcredubaicases@gmail.com

--- Dec 11, 2014 ---

MuhammadAsif ,

contact me on fcredubaicases@gmail.com
by fcre
Dec 11, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.
Replies: 181
Views: 112597

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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